Stop the Nonsense
by Mike Bryan (Ethanol Producer Magazine) I see article after article pertaining to world hunger and how biofuels are one of the root causes. It is time to stop this nonsense. Biofuels are not causing world hunger, they never have
by Mike Bryan (Ethanol Producer Magazine) I see article after article pertaining to world hunger and how biofuels are one of the root causes. It is time to stop this nonsense. Biofuels are not causing world hunger, they never have
(Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e.V./Biodiesel Magazine) With 53 percent raw material content, rapeseed oil remains the most important raw material source for the production of biodiesel in Germany, followed by palm oil with 25 percent, and coconut
by Mica Rosenberg (Reuters) Biofuel producers will be subject to rules regulating carbon emissions, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Friday, in a decision hailed by environmental groups. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit vacated a
by Erin Voegele (Ethanol Producer Magazine) The European Environment Agency has published a report that says bioenergy production should comply with E.U. objectives to use resources more efficiently. The report, titled “E.U. bioenergy from a resource efficiency perspective,” stresses that
by Erin Voegele (Ethanol Producer Magazine) A new report published by World Growth argues that the E.U.’s proposal regarding indirect land use change (ILUC) carbon emissions under the Renewable Energy Directive represents a futile effort to curb productive land use
by Holly Jessen (Ethanol Producer Magazine) A recent vote by the EU Parliament’s Environment Committee prompted comment by ePURE, which represents the EU ethanol industry, and UNICA, the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association. On July 11, the committee voted 42 to 26
by Erin Voegele (Ethanol Producer Magazine) The U.S. EPA has published a notice of data availability pertaining to ethanol produced from barley under the renewable fuel standard (RFS). Public comments will be accepted for 30 days following the publication of
Some Earthquakes Warn That They Are About to Strike Richard A. Kerr The bad news that injecting wastewater deep into the crust can set off earthquakes has now been leavened by a bit of good news. In the past few years, the
by Edward Hill ( Seaweed – it’s great for sushi, and perhaps even better for biofuels. A study by a University of Victoria mechanical engineering student has shown that large-scale seaweed farms could make environmental sense in B.C. in terms of
by Chris Hanson (Biomass Magazine) The three-year European biofuel and biomaterial project, At-Sea, will conclude its first trials of seaweed cultivation off the coasts of Norway, Scotland and Ireland the end of the week of July 1. At-Sea, which began in
(Environmental and Energy Study Institute) The President’s call to climate action was supported by several recent government reports regarding: a) rapidly rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations; b) rapidly rising financial risks to the federal government posed by climate change; c) rising
(Environmental and Energy Study Institute) A number of federal agency initiatives are already underway in the biofuels, agriculture, and forestry sectors to help mitigate climate change and adapt to it. In a posting July 2, Doug O’Brien, Acting Under Secretary of the
by Ali Morrow and Alex Plough (Thomas Reuters Foundation) U.S. policy to boost the use of fuel from renewable sources is generating additional greenhouse gas emissions due to rising trade in ethanol between the United States and Brazil, rather than lowering emissions
by Chenda Ngak ( Professor Juergen Polle is packing up his laboratory on a sweltering morning in New York City, but the beakers and test tubes aren't going on summer break. The professor of biology at Brooklyn College has run out
by Yuxing Zheng (The Oregonian) The Senate on Saturday rejected a "clean fuels" bill that was the environmental lobby's top priority to combat global warming. ... Senate Bill 488 would lift a 2015 sunset date for Oregon's "clean fuel" program, which
( The soaring price of soymeal, which hit a nine-month high this week, has only enhanced the need for dairy and livestock producers to investigate distillers' grains as an alternative, Rice Dairy said. Soymeal futures for July hit $499.00 a short
by Robert Kozak (Advanced Biofuels USA) As part of Ford Motor Company’s comments submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency docket on proposed Tier 3 regulations regarding higher octane higher ethanol fuels, they provided an up-to-date literature review of the benefits
( Institute for Sustainable Technology) Promising biofuels research at a Wisconsin biotech company and a partner university is getting a boost from a $224,967 National Science Foundation grant. C5.6 Technologies of Middleton, Wis., and the Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology (WIST)
by Bob Dinneen (Renewable Fuels Association/Chron) ...We can provide our motorists and military with stable, domestically produced fuel. Since 2011, American-made ethanol has contributed more to the U.S. fuel supply than gasoline refined from oil imports from OPEC. ... Americans don't need
(GreenCircle Certified LLC/Biodiesel Digest) GreenCircle and the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance are proud to announce that the Sustainable Biodiesel Certification program is officially launched. The announcement came at Willie Nelson's 80th birthday party on June 6 at the Hard Rock Café
by Carlo Hamelinck ( ...By effectively decreasing the ambition on biofuels, as it is currently debated in the European Parliament and the Council, we walk away from concerns without solving them. There are a few key issues in the debate that
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) ...The Environmental Protection Agency is issuing a supplemental final rule, containing a lifecycle greenhouse gas analysis for renewable fuels made from giant reed (Arundo donax) and napier grass, and a regulatory determination that such fuels
( The production of ethanol from municipal solid waste is a major technological advance in the waste management model. Abengoa (MCE: ABG.B), a company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainable development in the energy and environment sectors, today opened the
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) For every 5% in global shift to aviation biofuels — create 72,000 jobs and avoid 3 million tons of carbon emissions. How to get from available field to affordable fuel in 14 steps In Illinois, the
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) How to get from available field to affordable fuel in 14 steps. The MASBI report is out, and that’s good. ... Last week, the Midwest Aviation Sustainable Biofuels Initiative, led by United Airlines, Boeing, Honeywell’s UOP, the
by Ozzie Zehner (IEEE Spectrum) ...Some states offer additional tax incentives. California brings the total credit up to $10 000, and Colorado to $13 500—more than the base price of a brand new Ford Fiesta. West Virginia offers the sweetest
by Susanne REtka Schill (Ethanol Producer Magazine) Bruce Dale urges careful thought about energy and agriculture. A 1-ton-per-day pilot facility on the campus of Michigan State University geared up this spring to produce pretreated biomass for feed trials. It’s part of
by Keith Loria (Ethanol Producer Magazine) Mendota Bioenergy’s plan to turn energy beets to ethanol moves to demonstration scale in California’s San Joaquin Valley. The future of advanced biofuels is in beets. At least that’s the thinking of those behind Mendota Bioenergy
by Courtney Whalen ( ...Mascoma Alberta Drayton Valley is in the process of solidifying the necessary financing to bring the bio-refinery, which would produce cellulosic ethanol and related products, to the community’s Bio-Mile. The bio-refinery project is supported by the federal
(Yahoo!7Finance) Greenhouse gas emissions from one of Australia's largest coal fired power stations will be used to produce biofuels as its owner attempts to reduce its carbon bill. Biofuel company Algae.Tec has signed a deal to establish a carbon capture and biofuels
by Damian Carrington (The Guardian) Producing biofuels in the sea removes at a stroke many of the serious problems with conventional biofuels "It's best to get it out of the water now or it'll start getting grazed by the little beasties," says
by Richard Van Noorden (Nature) Key vote could signal withdrawal of support from biodiesel. The European Union (EU) has spent the past 10 years nurturing a €15-billion (US$20-billion) industry that makes transport fuel from food crops such as soya beans and sugar
by Kon Thueanmunsaen (J.D. Power Global Auto Blog) In looking at the future of alternative fuel vehicles—principally electric vehicles (EVs)—in the Thai market, it appears that the only push for promoting EVs is coming from the Electricity Generating Authority of
(Advanced Biofuels USA) As part of the recently proposed Tier 3 motor vehicle fuel and emission regulations, EPA included a very forward looking idea that could bring higher octane, higher ethanol gasoline to the marketplace. However, Advanced Biofuels USA recommends the
by Brian Berk (Convenience Store News) ...Retailer Propel Fuels Inc. believes in the future of alternative fuels and is devoted to being a better steward to the earth -- something it says its E85 and biodiesel offerings can provide. The company offers both fuels at
by Robyn Dixon (Los Angeles Times) Foreign firms seeking land in Africa for biofuel crops run into opposition from communities and environmental activists despite promising jobs and development. With its leaf-thatched mud huts, bad roads, chronic unemployment, crushing poverty and vast
by Bob Dinneen (Bay Area Citizen/Renewable Fuels Association) Natural gas is not renewable, nor is it the future of ethanol. But let’s start at the beginning. Congressman Pete Olson recently penned an op-ed to Houston Community Newspapers claiming the Renewable Fuels
The German BioEnergy Association (BBE) and the Union for the Promotion of Oilseeds and Protein Plants (UFOP) cordially invite paper proposals for the 11th International Conference on Biofuels "Fuels of the Future 2014", which will be held during 21 -
by Jennifer A. Dlouhy (SF Gate) United Airlines on Tuesday announced it has committed to buy at least 15 million gallons of cleaner-burning renewable jet fuel from a Los Angeles-based refinery, marking a potentially major breakthrough in the commercial aviation industry’s
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) The EPREINC scenario---One chart was prepared by the Energy Policy Research Foundation for its Congressional testimony on the Renewable Fuel Standard yesterday. ... EPRINC’s scenario foresees a big shortfall between the production of renewable fuels and the
by Geoff Cooper (Renewable Fuels Association/The Energy Collective) ...Incredibly, the American Petroleum Institute’s anti-RFS “training center” (yes, Big Oil has a “training center” apparently intended to spawn an army of certified RFS haters) has the audacity to claim, “If you
by Susanne Retka Schill (Ethanol Producer Magazine) Not quite a year after opening a demonstration facility, Switzerland-based specialty chemicals company Clariant AG announced that it has expanded the feedstocks successfully converted to cellulosic ethanol beyond wheat straw to include corn stover
(WiseGEEK) In an effort to find a viable alternative to foreign oil, many politicians and environmental groups have been heavily promoting the advantages of ethanol fuel. Ethanol is a primarily plant-based fuel which can be produced from such sources as sugar
by Erin Voegele (Ethanol Producer Magazine) The Renewable Fuels Association has spoken out to criticize a study published by Rice University and the University of California-Davis that claims climate change will increase irrigation costs for corn while reducing yields. In
by Geoff Cooper (Renewable Fuels Association/The Energy Collective) ...Big Oil’s PR machine regurgitates these myths via conference calls with reporters, meetings with editorial boards, sham studies, paid advertising, social media and many other channels. Their goal, of course, is to
by Joanne Ivancic (Advanced Biofuels USA) NASCAR's sportscar racing division, GrandAm, and Green Racing aren’t words that you see together. For one thing, GrandAm competitors race on all-petroleum race fuel. Yet, GrandAm and the American Le Mans Series, the series which
by StellavBezergianni and AthanasiosvDimitriadis (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews/Science Direct) Renewable fuels, as an alternative fuel, can be produced from different biomass types such as vegetable oils of various origins, waste cooking oils and fats. The most common biofuel is
(The Oil Palm) Spanish MEP and Draftsman for the influential Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE), Alejo Vidal-Quadras, has dismissed the European Commission’s proposal to introduce Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) factors as part of therevision of the Renewable Energy
Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Is the ultimate industrial fuel system going to be based on electricity, waste CO2 and brackish water – to return society to the days of energy abundance? It will take a mighty production microorganism, but R&D
by Geoff Cooper (The Energy Collective/Renewable Fuels Association) Anyone with even a casual interest in energy policy knows that a full frontal assault has been launched against the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Big Oil has gone on the offensive, using
(U.S. Grains Council/Ethanol Producer Magazine) The U.S. Grains Council, along with the National Corn Growers Association, MAIZAR, representing Argentina producers and the maize supply chain and ABRAMILHO (Brazilian Association of Corn Producers) have signed a memorandum of understanding to form
by Holly Jessen (Ethanol Producer Magazine) Every once in a while, I read something that really catches my attention. A study that found that distillers grains can help reduce methane output and increase milk production in dairy cows definitely falls
by Tom Rickey (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) A new analysis shows that the nation's land and water resources could likely support the growth of enough algae to produce up to 25 billion gallons of algae-based fuel a year in the
by Dan Seif (Mother Earth News/Rocky Mountain Institute) Advanced, non-food biofuels are gaining momentum in 2013 as several new plants have gathered the capital and momentum for large-scale production. ... Despite sparse media coverage, significant volumes of non-food biofuels have been produced
by William C. Holmberg (Physicians for Social Responsibility) Asthma, $16 billion. Premature births, $26 billion. All cancers, $227 billion. Autism, $126 billion. Heart disease, $272 billion. Obesity, incl. Type 2 diabetes, $190 billion. These are government estimates of the annual
by Joanna Schroeder ( According to a recent survey conducted by SRI, 65 percent of retail investors and 53 percent of institutional investors are currently expressing interest in fossil fuel-free portfolios in reaction to climate change. More than 2,000 SRI
(Environmental Protection Agency) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing a proposed rulemaking for modifications to the Renewable Fuel Standard program, E15 misfueling mitigation regulations, ultra low sulfur diesel survey requirements as well as other technical amendments. Elements of this Notice EPA is
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Beyond biomass, beyond fossil fuels, beyond light itself. And now, the direct production of drop-in biofuel blendstocks. All available from a microbial “cow”. This week in California, a research team from Shota Atsumi’s lab at the
(Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining) The Renewable Energy Directive (RED) has set a general binding target for the European Union to derive 20% of its final energy and 10% of its transport fuels from renewable sources by 2020. It is expected
by Peter Hannam (The Age) Whether it's the use of organisms first found in the guts of rabbits in New Zealand or converting the mountains of rubbish disposed of by Londoners, airlines around the world are hunting for ways to power
by Javier E. David (CNBC) Imagine a world where leftover corn, wheat and wood chips can be used to power your car. That's the aim of cellulosic ethanol, a budding sector of the renewable fuel industry that finds itself struggling to reassert
by Enos Shumba, et al (World Wildlife Fund for Nature) The bio-fuel debate has largely focused on large feedstock plantations that produce products for the export market. It has not acknowledged and seriously considered the existence of considerable small scale
(Edeniq/Yahoo! News) Visalia Plant Milestone Signifies Greater Commercial Viability for Cellulosic Ethanol and Sugars Edeniq, a biomaterials and sustainable fuels company, today announced the company's first demonstration plant, located at its Visalia, CA headquarters, has completed a successful "performance test" that
by Yuca Waarts, Kor Zwart (LEI Wageningen UR) Recycling palm oil mill effluent, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and improving smallholder livelihoods are three important topics in debates on sustainable palm oil production. In Indonesia, Zebra Special Products BV has invested in various
(EurekAlert!) World's cassava experts to wage war against cassava viruses; introduction into Nigeria, the largest cassava producer in the world, could result in drastic food shortages in this part of Africa Cassava experts are reporting new outbreaks and the increased spread
by Tom Kadala (Research Pays) ... (T)here is yet another force at play, one that is far more complex than society is prepared to confront today and which will surely cause the price of oil and similar fossil fuels to
by Matthew Landau (Aquatic Biosystems) In 2010, Qatar University initiated an algal biofuel project funded by Qatar Airways, and Qatar Science and Technology Park with a 3-year budget of USD 12 million. Completion of the first phase of the project, led
by RP Siegel (Industry Market Trends Green & Clean Journal/ Four years ago, American LeMans kicked off its first green racing season. The program, which requires teams to use alternative fuels such as ethanol blends (E10 or E85), clean diesel, or isobutanol
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) ... Oil refiners have been waging a well-funded war on California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which requires oil companies to reduce the carbon pollution from gasoline and diesel by 10 percent by 2020. Centerpiece in their strategy
by Vicki Ekstrom (Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change/Renewable Energy World) ...Their study, recently released in Geophysical Research Letters, found that land-use changes caused by a major ramp-up in biofuel crops — enough to meet about 10 percent
(EurActiv) Leaders of the EU and their partners in the G8 nations are under mounting pressure to reconsider their support for biofuel targets amid concern that plant oil production competes with food output in poor countries. Britain, which chairs the G8 this
(E2B) According to the Department of Transport, between 15 April 2012 and 14 January 2013, 965 million litres of renewable fuel were supplied, of which 66 per cent have so proven to be sustainable. 18 per cent of sustainable renewable fuel
(Green Car Congress) The California Energy Commission unanimously adopted the 2013-2014 Investment Plan Update to support the development and use of green vehicles and alternative fuels. The update sets funding priorities for the approximately $100 million in annual state funds under the
by Erin Voegele (Ethanol Producer Magazine) The International Energy Agency Bioenergy Task 39 group recently published a report that outlines progress on more than 100 advanced biofuel projects under development worldwide. The report, titled “Status of Advanced Biofuels Demonstration Facilities
(NH3 Fuel Association) Renewable ammonia producer SynGest is now featured on the Fueling Growth website, which aims to show “How clean fuel companies are fueling economic growth in California and beyond.” Fueling Growth is a project of Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2). SynGest uses a process to convert biomass to nitrogen fertilizer,
(25 x '25) With global demand for food, feed, fiber and energy on the rise, the need for critical ecosystem services like flood control, water filtration, biodiversity and carbon sequestration is even greater. The development of new, renewable energy resources
by Erin Voegele (Ethanol Producer Magazine) The University of California-Davis Institute of Transportation Studies has published a new status review of the state’s low carbon fuel standard (LCFS). The review is the second in a series of periodic status reports.
(EurActiv) ...This conflict is not one between green ambitions and trade rules – it is a conflict between trade rules and a biofuels policy aiming to favour domestically produced biofuels at the expense of foreign competitors. The current proposal to reform
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In Norway, Norwegian Finance Minister Sigbjørn Johnsen officially inaugurated the Borregaard biorefinery demonstration plant in Sarpsborg, which will produce green chemicals and sugars based on biomass from wood and agricultural and forestry waste. ... The aim is
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) The Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB) is pleased to announce that RSB has a new name. Following a decision during a recent meeting of the RSB Assembly of Delegates, the new name of the organization
(GreenAirOnline) Although the entry of airlines into the biofuel marketplace is a significant step in the right direction, the sustainability of this development is of critical importance, says the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The US environmental group argues that
by Joanna Schroeder ( Biofuel opponents are crying wolf, so it would seem, claiming that the blend wall is insurmountable. However, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) today has published an infographic that busts the myths surrounding the blend wall. “This graphic perfectly captures
(European Geosciences Union) ...Attention has now turned to second generation biofuels, produced from non-edible sources such as wood or waste plant residual like straw. In the next decade, these biofuels are expected to replace three to five per cent of
(Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation) A recently published report provides an in-depth overview of the current state of affairs in Dutch biomass trading. "We're satisfied to report a significant increase in certified biomass imports, especially in the
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Is there bio-based relief for the harried taxpayer in sight? Could conservationists, growers and biofuels producers find common ground in adapting the Conservation Reserve Program for bioenergy? Could the US save $270M/year, and strengthen two
(Biofuels Center of North Carolina) Based in Wilson, Triangle Biofuels Industries produces biodiesel derived primarily from waste vegetable oils (WVO) obtained from local sources. Its target markets are agricultural, marine, residential, governmental, and commercial diesel consumers looking for cleaner diesel
by Chris Hanson (Ethanol Producer Magazine) A study by Steffen Mueller, a researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago Energy Resources Center, and John Kwik, president of Dominion Energy Services LLC, surveyed ethanol producers and revealed a growing trend
by Russ White (MLive) ... Michigan State University leads research of bioenergies and biofuels through AgBioResearch and the Kellogg Biological Station and partnerships with coalitions such as the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and the Global Center for Food Systems Innovation. ... The
by Jessica Shankleman ( ...Three campaign groups, backed by 12 organisations in the timber, paper and furniture industries, yesterday warned that a surge in demand for wood as a result of renewable electricity subsidies would increase prices, risking 40,000
by Kim McDonald (University of California at San Diego) New discoveries of the way plants transport important substances across their biological membranes to resist toxic metals and pests, increase salt and drought tolerance, control water loss and store sugar can have
(PR NewsWire/Anaergia) Anaergia Inc. today announced that the County of Maui, Department of Finance and Mayor Alan Arakawa provided the intent to award the Integrated Waste Conversion and Energy Project at the Central Maui Landfill in Puunene to Anaergia Services, the California based subsidiary
by Tim Radford (The Daily Climate) Charcoal and other forms of black carbon do not, as previously thought, stay where they are buried. They migrate to the oceans and recirculate the carbon they contain. Climate scientists may have to rethink some
(National Public Radio/Associated Press) The Environmental Protection Agency has dramatically lowered its estimate of how much of a potent heat-trapping gas leaks during natural gas production, in a shift with major implications for a debate that has divided environmentalists: Does
(25 x '25) ...It is interesting to see the advances in renewable energy being made in, of all places, nations with the largest oil reserves in the world. According to a recent report from Ernst and Young, Saudi Arabia, along
(Clean Energy Report) An initial split between some biofuels groups over EPA's 2013 renewable fuel standard's (RFS) production targets appears to be expanding divisions over other agency fuel policies. Advanced biofuels producers are opposing EPA's Tier III plan to make 15
(Advanced Biofuels USA) As part of the recently proposed Tier 3 motor vehicle fuel and emission regulations, EPA had included a very forward looking idea that could bring higher octane, higher ethanol (E-30) gasoline to the marketplace. Advanced Biofuels USA
by Erin Voegele (Ethanol Producer Magazine) Several biofuel trade organizations have weighed in on white paper published by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the impact the renewable fuel standard (RFS) has had on the U.S. agricultural sector. The report examines a
(Renewable Fuels Association) In seventeen pages of comments, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) answered questions put forth in the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Energy and Commerce Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Assessment on Agricultural Sector Impacts. Bob Dinneen, RFA’s President and
(UFOP/Biodiesel Magazine) On May 19, more than 200 race cars will start at the traditional ADAC 24-hour race on the Nürburgring's legendary Nordschleife track. With more than 200,000 visitors, it is the largest motor sporting event of the year. Also
(Algae Industry Magazine) Nutrients PLUS (NP), a company headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Old Dominion University (ODU), in Norfolk, Virginia, have applied for a patent on recent discoveries they’ve made related to the use of algae in fertilizer products.
(American Chemical Society) The search for a less-expensive, sustainable source of biomass, or plant material, for producing gasoline, diesel and jet fuel has led scientists to duckweed, that fast-growing floating plant that turns ponds and lakes green. That’s the topic
by Cindy Zimmerman ( A new study indicates that ethanol production is continuing to reduce its energy and environmental footprint. The study, entitled “2012 Corn Ethanol: Emerging Plant Energy and Environmental Technologies”, found that recent innovations in corn ethanol production have resulted
(Fresh Plaza) Bananas in poor condition could become a type of biofuel thanks to a study by the Canary Islands Technological Institute (ITC) with the support of the DISA Foundation. Douglas Escalante (an intern of the study) stated that the first
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Energy cane for California’s Imperial Valley? Canergy lines up Beta, CHS, Certis as partners for greenfield low-carbon fuel project slated for 2016 opening. In California, Canergy announced that it has selected Chemtex and Beta Renewables for
by Bruce Dale (The Hill/Michigan State University) The oil industry hopes to protect its control over America’s fuel supply by undermining renewable fuels. By confusing us with misleading claims and outright falsehoods, oil companies hope Congress will overlook the real
(Asociación de Productores de Energías Renovables Biocarburantes - Spain; Associação Portuguesa de Produtores de Biocombustíveis - Portugal; Krajowa Izba Biopaliw - Poland; Renewable Energy Association – United Kingdom; Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie - Germany) We support the current target of 10 per cent of
by by Francis X. Johnson (Public Service Europe) Policies should focus on long-term approaches to a sustainable biofuels market development, rather than short-term reactive approaches Europe's relationship with biofuels has been marked by dramatic turns. Biofuels for transport were almost non-existent in
by Joao Peixe ( China Eastern Airlines has just announced that it will begin operating commercial flights which run on 100% biofuel, having completed a successful trial of the renewable aviation fuel on Wednesday. After an 85 minute test flight, running on
by Steve Creedy (The Australian) Brisbane Airport has been earmarked as the site of Australia's first sustainable aviation fuel "bio-port". Virgin Australia, Brisbane Airport Corporation and sustainable fuel company SkyNRG today announced a feasibility study that will look at using locally
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) ...It used to be that the outskirts of Honolulu had the dual scent of diesel and pineapple processing — but now, all you really smell is the diesel. Sugarcane and pineapple are every year less
(US Department of Energy) The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, and Argonne National Laboratory have released a joint study on biochemical biorefinery sizing. “Investigation of biochemical biorefinery sizing and environmental sustainability impacts for conventional
(US Department of Energy) On Earth Day and every day, BETO is working to improve the sustainability of the transportation industry in the United States through the development and deployment of commercially viable, high-performance, domestic biofuels. BETO’s Sustainability subprogram closely
UPM, VTT and VV-Auto Group will start fleet tests of renewable domestic diesel. Biofuel will be produced by UPM, fleet tests will be coordinated by VTT and cars will be supplied by VV-Auto Group. Fleet tests with UPM BioVerno will
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) ...Though there are exceptions among the archipelagoes with access to offshore oil assets — Indonesia comes to mind— but these are, in the main, exceptions to what might be described as the general problem of
By Paul Brown (Climate News Network/ Fossil fuel subsidies provided by both rich and poor countries to keep their citizens happy are holding back the world economy, accelerating climate change and damaging the health of current and future generations, according
(Environmental Research Web) ...It referred to a report by North Energy Associates (NEA) and Forestry Research (FR) produced for DECC, which tried to answer the question: ‘Is it better to leave wood in the forest or harvest it for timber,
(NASCAR) Official Tire Recycler Of NASCAR Green To Recycle Approximately 120,000 Goodyear Tires Annually As part of NASCAR Race to Green™, a month-long, industry-wide effort to reduce the sport’s carbon footprint, NASCAR and Liberty Tire Recycling has announced a new partnership that
by Andy Giegerich (Sustainable Business Oregon) A top Portland biodiesel producer has landed waste cooking oil recycling agreements with several landmark Seattle institutions. It helps that those institutions, particularly the Seattle Mariners’ Safeco Field and the Seattle Seahawks’ CenturyLink Field, happen
(US Senate Finance Committee) This document is the fourth in a series of papers compiling tax reform options that Finance Committee members may wish to consider as they work towards reforming our nation’s tax system. This compilation is a joint product
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Darling of the mid-2000s, still beloved by its many fans — biodiesel is increasingly a key to delivering advanced biofuels volumes now — and even more so between now and 2022. Presentations by NBB CEO Joe
by Aino Siirala (Advanced Biofuels USA) Steve Csonka, as director of Enviro Strategy and Ecomagination, GE Aviation, the world-leading provider of jet engines, gave an overview of the importance of renewable jet fuel specifications leading to commercialization at the Biomass
(The PEW Charitable Trusts) High gas prices may give us pause before taking a long road trip, but we still need to drive to work, the grocery store or school. This Pew Clean Energy Program video highlights the benefits of increasing
by Holly Jessen (Ethanol Producer Magazine) Revenue from corn oil has become an important part of the bottom line at the majority of U.S. ethanol plants. During the past two years, the U.S. ethanol industry has widely implemented corn oil extraction
by Robert Vierhout (ePURE/Ethanol Producer Magazine) ...Member states, however, are faced with the reality of an economic crisis and cannot think of any good reason to kill investments and opportunities for more investments in agriculture. Maybe the Commission has also given
by Dil Vashi (Ethanol Producer Magazine/Solutions 4 CO2) Stillage, CO2 become valuable inputs in synergistic design Many ethanol producers look for additional revenue streams beyond the core ethanol and distillers grains to extract corn oil and capture CO2. Opportunities exist
(25 x '25) Given the recent rounds of misinformation, if not downright disinformation, that passes as criticism of renewable energy, it might be a good time to point out the obvious: Meeting increased demand for renewable alternatives to conventional energy
by John Davis ( Apparently tired of false claims that biodiesel takes from the food supply, biodiesel maker Renewable Energy Group has put out a whitepaper that actually shows how the green fuel is helping the food supply. Biodiesel Magazine has
by Joanna Schroeder ( The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) has unveiled a list of 10 ways the renewable fuels industry is helping to improve the environment. According to IRFA, renewable fuels offer positive impacts on the environment compared to
by Bob Dinneen (Renewable Fuels Association) ... (Robert) Murphy simply regurgitates Big Oil’s false argument that the RFS is driving up fuel costs. There’s not a shred of evidence to support that notion, but that’s never stopped these folks before. Murphy
by Christopher Doering (Des Moines Register) The battle between U.S. ethanol producers and oil companies has reached a turning point, with the winners poised to gain an advantage over the future of the country’s energy mix and the losers forced
( A European Parliament report into the EU’s proposals for addressing the problem of indirect land use change (ILUC) in its biofuels policy will propose today (17 April) the application of unique ‘factors’ to account for differences in biofuels performance. These would
(Argus Media) Biodiesel trade terms are becoming increasingly complicated as buyers and sellers haggle over sustainability clauses, payments terms and water content. Much of the wrangling has appeared over Fame 0 biodiesel compliant with the EU renewable energy directive (RED), known
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In Belgium, PANGEA (Partners for Euro-African Green Energy) launched an update to its report “Who’s Fooling Whom? The Real Drivers Behind the 2010/11 Food Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa”. The report demonstrates an important conclusion: the degree
(Environmental and Energy Study Institute) The Environmental and Energy Studies Institute (EESI) and the Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) held a briefing on the conclusions of the newly released EERE Transportation Energy Futures (TEF)
by Susanne Retka Schill (Ethanol Producer Magazine) A team of Virginia Tech researchers have adapted existing technologies to make a new product, transforming cellulose into amylose. One target market for the amylose would be functional foods, said lead researcher Y.H. Percival Zhang,
(BlackGold Biofuels/PR Newswire) They say one man's trash is another man's treasure. This Earth Day, it certainly rings true for a newly open recycling facility converting wastewater into fuel. BlackGold Biofuels of Charlotte has opened an innovative recycling facility for restaurant
by Tracy Dang (ICIS) Population growth in Asia, climate change and shifting geopolitics are all issues that will impact the future of the biotechnology and renewable fuels industry, an executive at a life sciences investment firm said on Monday. “It is important
(Environmental Protection Agency) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold two public hearings in April on the Tier 3 proposed rulemaking aimed at addressing the impacts of motor vehicles on air quality and public health. The program proposes to
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In California, Aemetis announced that its 60 million gallon per year capacity ethanol facility in Keyes, CA has completed maintenance and Advanced Biofuels retrofit, and is now restarting production. Last December, the EPA issued a final
by Sally Blakewell (Bloomberg BusinessWeek) Biofuels will cost U.K. motorists about 460 million pounds ($707 million) this year as the government increases their use in transport fuel, driving up food prices in poorer countries, Chatham House said. Britain’s program to expand
by Amy Harder (National Journal) It’s hard to rival the diversity and sheer number of groups and companies with a vested interest in the renewable-fuels standard, from food and livestock businesses to those in the environmental and energy sectors. No official
by Chris Woolston (Bioenergy Connection) ... If you drove around certain parts of the Midwest this summer, you might have seen patches of energy grass or tall, green sorghum flourishing amid the ruined corn and soybeans. At the same time, biofuel
by Joanna Schroeder ( Today, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released their Tracking Clean Energy Progress report in New Delhi that details the increased role that biofuels will need to play in reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) as part of their Climate Change
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In Iowa, the Renewable Energy Group has released a white paper called “Food THEN Fuel: American Biodiesel’s Role in Strengthening Food Security” that seeks to demonstrate how biodiesel supports the nation’s food supply chain in a
(25 x '25) (T)he Adaptation Work Group, a collaboration of agriculture, forestry, business, academic, conservation and government leaders, ... issued a report last week that offers recommendations that will enable the U.S. agriculture and forestry sectors to meet the challenges
( Ductor, the Finnish biotechnology company specializing in disruptive algae technology, announce today that Red Herring, a global media company, has named Ductor a winner of the Red Herring Europe 100 awards. Ductor’s products and business model will disrupt several traditional
(ePURE) The European Renewable Ethanol Industry, ePURE, together with Novozymes, find the double counting mechanism proposed by the European Commission is ineffective to kick-start the deployment of innovative advanced biofuels. Increasing the weighting of advanced biofuels to quadruple counting towards
by Sam Fenwick (E2B Pulse) In this article, E2B explores the benefits of crop-based biofuels to the UK, the potential impact of a recent EU proposal and the wider issues associated with their adoption. In October 2012, the EU Commission published
by Ron Kotrba (Biodiesel Magazine) Neste Oil has begun using tall oil pitch as a feedstock for renewable diesel production. Neste Oil successfully tested tall oil pitch in commercial refinery operations in March and April and states it is now
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Eager to understand the bio investor impact from the EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook – but not crazy about reading 46 pages of dense text and graphics? Our 3-Minute Guide can help. ...We see four key trends. 1. Retail