by Joanne Ivancic* (Advanced Biofuels USA) Writing about newly inaugurated President Donald J. Trump's policies or concerns related to agriculture or, more specifically, to renewable fuels, including biofuels will not take long. Take a look at the text of his Second Inaugural Address given today, January 20, 2025. There are NO mentions of agriculture in general, nor to biofuels or renewable fuels specifically.
Now, you might find some solace in this passage, although, unfortunately, that liquid gold he mentions is fossil fuel, not renewable fuel made from crops, waste, or residues:
We will be a rich nation again and it is that liquid gold under our feet that will help to do it.
With my actions today, we will end the Green New Deal and we will revoke the electric vehicle mandate, saving our auto industry and keeping my sacred pledge to our great American autoworkers.
In other words, you’ll be able to buy the car of your choice. We will build automobiles in America again at a rate that nobody could have dreamt possible just a few years ago and thank you to the autoworkers of our nation for your inspiring vote of confidence. We did tremendously with their vote.
Certainly, it is heartening to hear that consumers have been heard regarding their desire for a choice of non-electric vehicles and their realization of the limits of EVs; however, how disheartening not to hear recognition that those vehicles should be powered by renewables and disheartening not to hear, on this important day, appreciation of the support given to candidate Trump from agricultural communities.
Advanced Biofuels USA will continue our efforts to educate not only the public, but all branches of government in the US and around the world about the benefits of renewable fuels.
We will continue to emphasize the value of incentives (like the old F-Factor and R-Factor in the US) to optimize engines to use highest blends of renewable fuels possible and encourage innovations like Optimus Technologies' retrofitting trucks to use 100% biodiesel and including working toward 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
We will urge everyone around the globe to strive to produce and use existing 100% drop-in renewables like California's 100% renewable Superethanol E85 and renewable diesel.
*Joanne Ivancic serves as the executive director of Advanced Biofuels USA.
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Excerpt from Growth Energy: Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor issued the following statement on the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and the inauguration of Vice President J.D. Vance:
“Growth Energy congratulates President Donald J. Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance as they formally take their oaths of office.
“President Trump has been a vocal supporter of American agriculture and U.S. ethanol. He campaigned and won on his promise to fight for farmers, expand ethanol production, and export American biofuels around the globe. He has been a long-time advocate for lifting the needless regulations standing between U.S. consumers and lower-cost E15. And he recognizes that American farmers and rural communities are essential to unleashing American energy dominance.
“With this administration in our corner, America’s ethanol industry stands ready to drive a new wave of energy and job creation across the heartland. We look forward to working with President Trump and his administration to deliver on his rural agenda.” READ MORE
Excerpt from White House Executive Order: Sec. 3. Immediate Review of All Agency Actions that Potentially Burden the Development of Domestic Energy Resources. (a) The heads of all agencies shall review all existing regulations, orders, guidance documents, policies, settlements, consent orders, and any other agency actions (collectively, agency actions) to identify those agency actions that impose an undue burden on the identification, development, or use of domestic energy resources — with particular attention to oil, natural gas, coal, hydropower, biofuels, critical mineral, and nuclear energy resources — or that are otherwise inconsistent with the policy set forth in section 2 of this order, including restrictions on consumer choice of vehicles and appliances.
(b) Within 30 days of the date of this order, the head of each agency shall, in consultation with the director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the National Economic Council (NEC), develop and begin implementing action plans to suspend, revise, or rescind all agency actions identified as unduly burdensome under subsection (a) of this section, as expeditiously as possible and consistent with applicable law. The head of any agency who determines that such agency does not have agency actions described in subsection (a) of this section shall submit to the Director of OMB a written statement to that effect and, absent a determination by the Director of OMB that such agency does have agency actions described in this subsection, shall have no further responsibilities under this section.
(c) Agencies shall promptly notify the Attorney General of any steps taken pursuant to subsection (a) of this section so that the Attorney General may, as appropriate:
(i) provide notice of this Executive Order and any such actions to any court with jurisdiction over pending litigation in which such actions may be relevant; and
(ii) request that such court stay or otherwise delay further litigation, or seek other appropriate relief consistent with this order, pending the completion of the administrative actions described in this order.
(d) Pursuant to the policy outlined in section 2 of this order, the Attorney General shall consider whether pending litigation against illegal, dangerous, or harmful policies should be resolved through stays or other relief.
Sec. 4. Revocation of and Revisions to Certain Presidential and Regulatory Actions. (a) The following are revoked and any offices established therein are abolished:
(iii) Executive Order 14008 of January 27, 2021 (Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad);
(viii) Executive Order 14037 of August 5, 2021 (Strengthening American Leadership in Clean Cars and Trucks);
(ix) Executive Order 14057 of December 8, 2021 (Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability);
(xii) Executive Order 14096 of April 21, 2023 (Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All).
(b) All activities, programs, and operations associated with the American Climate Corps, including actions taken by any agency shall be terminated immediately. Within one day of the date of this order, the Secretary of the Interior shall submit a letter to all parties to the “American Climate Corps Memorandum of Understanding” dated December 2023 to terminate the memorandum, and the head of each party to the memorandum shall agree to the termination in writing.
(b) The Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases (IWG), which was established pursuant to Executive Order 13990, is hereby disbanded, and any guidance, instruction, recommendation, or document issued by the IWG is withdrawn as no longer representative of governmental policy including:
(i) the Presidential Memorandum of January 27, 2021 (Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking);
(ii) the Report of the Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Measurement Interagency Working Group of November 2023 (National Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Measurement, Monitoring, and Information System);
(iii) the Technical Support Document of February 2021 (Social Cost of Carbon, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide Interim Estimates under Executive Order 13990); and
(iv) estimates of the social cost of greenhouse gases, including the estimates for the social cost of carbon, the social cost of methane, or the social cost of nitrous oxide based, in whole or in part, on the IWG’s work or guidance.
(c) The calculation of the “social cost of carbon” is marked by logical deficiencies, a poor basis in empirical science, politicization, and the absence of a foundation in legislation. Its abuse arbitrarily slows regulatory decisions and, by rendering the United States economy internationally uncompetitive, encourages a greater human impact on the environment by affording less efficient foreign energy producers a greater share of the global energy and natural resource market. Consequently, within 60 days of the date of this order, the Administrator of the EPA shall issue guidance to address these harmful and detrimental inadequacies, including consideration of eliminating the “social cost of carbon” calculation from any Federal permitting or regulatory decision.
(f) Within 30 days of the date of this order, the Administrator of the EPA, in collaboration with the heads of any other relevant agencies, shall submit joint recommendations to the Director of OMB on the legality and continuing applicability of the Administrator’s findings, “Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act,” Final Rule, 74 FR 66496 (December 15, 2009).
(c) The Secretary of the Interior shall instruct the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey to consider updating the Survey’s list of critical minerals, including for the potential of including uranium.
(d) The Secretary of the Interior shall prioritize efforts to accelerate the ongoing, detailed geologic mapping of the United States, with a focus on locating previously unknown deposits of critical minerals.
(e) The Secretary of Energy shall ensure that critical mineral projects, including the processing of critical minerals, receive consideration for Federal support, contingent on the availability of appropriated funds.
(f) The United States Trade Representative shall assess whether exploitative practices and state-assisted mineral projects abroad are unlawful or unduly burden or restrict United States commerce.
(g) The Secretary of Commerce shall assess the national security implications of the Nation’s mineral reliance and the potential for trade action.
(h) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall assess the quantity and inflow of minerals that are likely the product of forced labor into the United States and whether such inflows pose a threat to national security and, within 90 days of the date of this order, shall provide this assessment to the Director of the NEC.
(k) The Secretary of State shall consider opportunities to advance the mining and processing of minerals within the United States through the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue. READ MORE
Excerpt from Ethanol Producer Magazine: President Donald Trump on Jan. 20 issued an executive order declaring a national energy emergency. One component of the order directs the U.S. EPA to consider issuing emergency fuel waivers to allow year-round E15 sales.
Section 2(b) of the order directs the EPA, in consultation with the U.S. Department of Energy, to “consider issuing emergency fuel waivers to allow the year-round sale of E15 gasoline to meet any projected temporary shortfalls in the supply of gasoline across the nation.”
Similar emergency fuel waivers were issued by the EPA in 2022, 2023 and 2024, allowing E15 to continue to be sold during the summer driving season.
Growth Energy welcomed the executive order. “President Trump is already taking steps to make E15 available year-round,” said Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy. “Put simply, E15 saves consumers money, drives investment in America’s rural communities, and decreases our dependence on foreign energy resources. We’re glad to see that homegrown biofuels are a part of President Trump’s efforts to unleash American energy dominance, and we urge Congress to follow the President’s lead by swiftly approving legislation to permanently allow the year-round, nationwide sale of E15. We look forward to working with the Trump Administration to make this more-affordable fuel option available to all Americans."
The Renewable Fuels Association thanked Trump for supporting year-round E15. “We thank President Trump for directing his agencies to monitor fuel market conditions and issue emergency waivers for E15 this summer if necessary,” said Geoff Cooper, president and CEO of the RFA. “At the same time, we renew our call on Congress to adopt legislation as quickly as possible that permanently allows year-round sales of lower-cost E15. Passing a bill would provide the market with long-term certainty and stability and make emergency waivers unnecessary.” READ MORE
Excerpt from White House Executive Order: Sec. 2. Emergency Approvals. ... (b) Consistent with 42 U.S.C. 7545(c)(4)(C)(ii)(III), the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, after consultation with, and concurrence by, the Secretary of Energy, shall consider issuing emergency fuel waivers to allow the year-round sale of E15 gasoline to meet any projected temporary shortfalls in the supply of gasoline across the Nation. READ MORE
Excerpt from Farm Progress: Trump also issued an order freezing any rules that have yet to be finalized. This includes recent announcements like the clean fuel tax incentive guidance that was unveiled earlier this month. Just last week, outgoing Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced new guidelines expanding feedstocks eligible for clean fuel tax credits. It remains unclear how or if the Trump administration plans to move forward with President Biden’s clean fuel tax incentive program. READ MORE
Excerpt from S&P Global: EPA Administrator Michael Regan noted that extending the 1-psi Reid Vapor Pressure waiver that currently applies to E10 gasoline to E15 would result in "no overall change in evaporative emissions," dismissing prior smog concerns that served as the original basis for the ban on E15 sales in hotter summer months.
The EPA estimates E15 is roughly 25 cents/gal cheaper than E10.
In February 2024, the Biden EPA also issued a rule carving out permanent year-round E15 availability for Midwestern states beginning in the summer of 2025, the result of a yearslong procedural tussle with the governors of eight states in the region.
While many of Trump's energy-related executive orders were early attempts to directly undo the Biden administration's climate agenda, an incoming Trump official, previewing the actions Jan. 20, underscored Trump's policy of increasing domestic fuel supplies and decreasing consumer energy costs.
The rationale for the wider declaration of a national energy emergency is that high costs are unnecessary, the official said. "They are caused by policy," he added.
Industry thankful, but pushing for legislation READ MORE
Excerpt from Politico Pro Climatewire: But on Wednesday morning, OMB sought to limit the order’s scope to climate change programs, electric vehicle charging grants and other spending that Trump opposes.
“This pause only applies to funds supporting programs, projects, or activities that may be implicated by the policy established in Section 2 of the order,” a memo to federal agency leaders published online early Wednesday reads. The guidance document itself was dated Tuesday. READ MORE
Excerpt from Reuters: Withdrawal from Paris agreement increases regulatory ambiguity, risks; US energy firms planning long-term investments in technologies aimed at fighting climate change; US oil industry prefers engagement in global climate talks
U.S. oil and gas producers are thrilled that President Donald Trump wants to encourage domestic energy development but say his decision to withdraw the United States from international climate cooperation will not help their investment plans in the global transition to cleaner energy.
Big U.S. oil companies, however, believe the withdrawal only limits Washington's ability to influence an ongoing global energy transition and exposes them to an uneven regulatory environment, according to Reuters interviews with industry representatives.
Bethany Williams, a spokesperson for the American Petroleum Institute - whose members include Exxon Mobil (XOM.N), opens new tab and Chevron (CVX.N), opens new tab - said the group has "long supported the ambitions of the Paris Agreement."
Exxon's CEO Darren Woods had made an early plea to the newly-elected president at the COP29 climate summit in Azerbaijan in November to keep the U.S. in the Paris pact, saying the cycle of exiting and re-entering the agreement would create long-term policy uncertainty for companies.
Exxon and other big oil companies are planning long-term investments in technologies intended to fight climate change, including green hydrogen and carbon capture, while also navigating decisions about new oil and gas exploration.
Asked about the Paris withdrawal order, the president of the American Exploration and Production Council (AXPC), representing U.S. independent drillers, said it was important for U.S. industry to be part of the global climate discussion.
Climate liability risk specialist Wynne Lawrence of insurance law firm Clyde & Co said policy volatility around international climate participation puts U.S. companies at risk.
"The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement will increase regulatory ambiguity, creating increased complexity and, potentially, lead to legal disputes as companies deal with the resulting uncertainty around transition strategies across multinational groups and supply chains," said Lawrence.
In recent years, oil majors had begun sending executives to annual UN climate conferences, where they touted investments in clean energy projects and cuts in the operating emissions.
Frank Maisano, senior principal at law firm Bracewell, which represents energy industry clients, said it "makes little sense to give up a seat at the table." READ MORE
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