(USWTE Green Industrial Fund/PR Newswire) USWTE Green Industrial Fund launches, seeking Ozone investors to establish Waste to Energy (WTE) projects with a view to having follow up funds to invest in WTE type industrial parks in the Qualified Opportunity Zones throughout the United States. These projects will have a vision to eliminate toxic waste with a focus on waste plastics and end of life tires from the United States and eventually the globe for the betterment of our planet, while producing high returns for investors. The Fund is authorized to raise $500 million for Opportunity Zone businesses in partnership with WTE Technologies.
Nature of the Funds – Waste to Energy
The funds will be used to leverage and expand United States WTE technologies that eliminate the massive waste that has been piling up in our landfills and throughout the country. Globally we've produced 8.3 billion tons of plastics that have or will eventually become waste. This plastic waste can be found in every remote location around the world including the bottom of our oceans. Although it is not certain the catastrophic impact waste plastics will have on our planet in the future, studies have shown that waste plastics are having a negative effect on animals, fish, and plant life and are damaging the ocean bacteria that produces 10% of the oxygen that we breathe. Part of the issue is that plastics are designed so efficiently that it takes more than 400 years for them to degrade and it is estimated that 88% of all plastics ever produced are still on this planet.
WTE type projects will be developed throughout the United States in opportunity zones, but these facilities will have a global effect on eliminating toxic waste in our oceans and around the world. Our lead patent-pending technology permanently eliminates scrap tires or waste plastics through thermal decomposition converting the waste into high-quality end products such as blendstock oil, carbon black and electricity using an environmentally sustainable process called pyrolysis. This process permanently eliminates waste plastics and end of life tires from the planet. All major components of the systems are made in the USA with plants generating high returns for investors.
Due to the tens of millions of dollars invested in R&D that have culminated in 3rd party guarantees and confirmations from some of the largest EPC contractors in the world and off-take agreements from major oil companies, the Waste to Energy projects will be fully risk mitigated with the ultimate aim of creating credit risk utilizing all viable insurance policies and third-party credit support. The qualified opportunity zone funds will develop a risk-adjusted overall portfolio approach, while minimizing/eliminating commercial project risk for the equity investors. WTE projects will be developed with a variety of different developers, diversifying the construction/performance risks; further creating jobs and revenues for various US developers instead of empowering/supporting one specific developer.
WTE Focus/Industrial Parks
A consortium of WTE providers has been established with complimentary technologies with varying outputs such as Solid Fuel, Pyrolysis Oil, Ethanol, Biogas, Syngas, and Energy in order to create diversity and maximizing support for a portfolio of companies. This is designed to ramp them up with economies of scale, balance sheet growth, and profitability to prepare them for going out to global markets to increase presence of US businesses abroad. With these various WTE technologies, USWTE envisions an industrial park concept whereby these varying technologies complement each other towards a sustainable and efficient processing of waste in an environmentally friendly manner.
Investment Strategy
"Our business model is to invest and develop environmentally friendly Waste to Energy projects in partnership with select WTE developers with varying technologies in Qualified Opportunity Zones," says Managing Partner, Mark Gantar. Our lead pyrolysis technology is a unique and patent pending process that we envision as the "holy grail" of waste to product processing concentrating on the thermal decomposition of plastics and tire waste and producing high quality oil, carbon black, and electricity. This technology will be given preferential treatment in addition to supporting other WTE developers in United States.
"WTE projects will be developed in accordance with 'Credit Risk' concepts. All phases of the projects have third party credit support including but not limited to completion bonds / minimum output guarantees / off take agreements and PPA's allowing the future cash flow of the project to be securitized. Therefore, there will be little to no commercial / project risk exposure to the fund investors," says Fund Manager H. Burak Erten.
The Fund will provide the financing of each project SPV with an equity / debt mix and refinancing of each project will be raised utilizing US Capital Market facilities from institutional investors and banks with the aim of fully securitizing the future cash flow of each project and this will enable redeployment of equity into various projects to be developed providing full risk mitigation and above market standard ROE levels for the investors.
About Fund Manager
H. Burak Erten
Mr. H. Burak Erten is the President of New Century Funds, focusing on advisory for deployment of institutional capital aligned with US interests. Mr. Erten is a fund manager in Luxembourg (authorized by CSSF) and is an expert in structured finance, risk mitigation strategies and credit enhanced transactions. In a private business capacity, he consults in geo-political negotiations with multiple Governments and multilateral organizations in supporting US interests globally. He has established strategic partnerships with financial institutions globally and current C-level / advisory-level roles in various entities and foundations globally as President of US WTE Investments.
About Managing Partner
Mark Gantar
Mr. Gantar is a global economic development leader that has facilitated complex financial transactions involving public-private partnerships between the United States and 3rd world countries. He has 35 years of business experience owning and running various manufacturing and technology companies. Mr Gantar is also a recognized diplomat as Honorary Consul for Ethiopia in Seattle.
Mr. Gantar is a technology expert with years of experience in technology and government contracting for software development, cyber security, and business intelligence. He is experienced in structured finance, working with various finance organizations and governments with regards to global infrastructure, foreign direct investment, and sovereign finance as Managing Partner of US WTE Investments.
Opportunity Zone Investment
Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZs) have attracted significant attention as both a potential major source of untapped capital to revitalize underserved communities, as well as an outlet for investors to preserve capital gains by unlocking substantial tax incentives, while potentially generating additional investment yields. Enacted as part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the Opportunity Zones program was established to encourage social advancement and private investment in low-income communities to aid with job creation and new business formation. The program incentivizes investment by allowing for a deferral of capital gains, reducing tax obligation on a portion of those gains and, most notably, allowing QOZ investments to grow tax-free.
About Opportunity Zone Funds
Deferment of Capital Gains Tax
Under the program, an investor can defer capital gains taxes until 2027 if realized gains are invested in a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund within 180 days of the sale. Deferred gains owed are decreased by 10% after five years, and another 5% after seven years of investment. The deferred capital gains will be realized Dec. 31, 2026 and due by April 15, 2027.
Elimination of Taxes on Investment
All capital gains taxes are eliminated after ten years of investment into a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund (QOZF). Note: Investments into a QOZF do not have to be from capital gains to realize the ten year elimination of taxes.
About US WTE Green Industrial Fund
Fully environmentally friendly facilities with significant positive global impact.
Permanent elimination of waste plastics and end of life tires through our industrial plants from the Planet including our oceans.
Creation of high-quality global commodities such as oil, carbon black and electricity.
Risk diversification by utilizing various United States WTE technologies.
In line with Opportunity Zone regulation that stimulate economic growth and job creation.
Projects developed with full credit risk, major third-party balance sheet guarantees.
ROE level expectations 20% per annum.
About EazyDoit Inc.
EazyDoit, Inc. is an opportunity fund creation company based in Virginia Beach, Va. EazyDoIt works with clients to develop a structured turn-key solution for business owners, real estate development projects, high net worth individuals and family offices looking to set up an opportunity fund experience. EazyDoit is recognized as a Top 10 OZ Influencer and is a leader in the Opportunity Fund Creation industry. CEO David Sillaman is a member of the Forbes Real Estate Counsel and EazyDoIt Funds have been recognized by FinTek News, Business Insider, Market Insider, Senior Housing News & Silicon Review to name a few. Mr. Sillaman is a frequent speaker at National Opportunity Zone Events, including the CDFA Florida Opportunity Zone Conference and past Opportunity Zone Expo Conferences. EazyDoIt has built one sixth (1/6) of all the opportunity funds in the market space today, with a strong emphasis on business based opportunity funds. READ MORE
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