(Columbia University's Center on Global Energy Policy) In July 2018 Representative Carlos Curbelo proposed legislation that would put a price on US carbon dioxide emissions (“Curbelo proposal”). A carbon price is widely viewed as a necessary part of a cost-effective national strategy to address the risks of climate change. This proposal is especially notable because Republicans, who currently control the US Senate, House of Representatives, and presidency, have not proposed national carbon pricing legislation in nearly a decade.
This paper, part of the Carbon Tax Research Initiative of the Columbia University SIPA Center for Global Energy Policy (CGEP), is a collaboration between scholars at CGEP, Rhodium Group, and the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University. It presents the results of an independent analysis of the impacts on emissions, energy markets, revenues and the economy of the Curbelo proposal.
The Curbelo proposal would impose a tax on carbon dioxide emissions that starts at $24/ton of CO2e in 2020, and it repeals the federal excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuels. Analysis in RHG-NEMS provides estimates of the effects of these policy changes on the US energy system and greenhouse gases. The proposal would generate significant new government revenues that would be used to fund the US transportation system and provide dividends to low-income families, among other uses. Analysis using the Diamond-Zodrow dynamic computable general equilibrium model provides estimates of the effects of the price changes and revenue uses on the US economy and the welfare of low-income households.
The Curbelo proposal leads to the following economy-wide net greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2005 levels:
- 27–32 percent reductions by 2025
- 30–40 percent reductions by 2030
More than two-thirds of these emission reductions occur in the electric power sector. Such economy-wide emission reductions would outpace the United States’ nationally determined contribution to the Paris Agreement of 26–28 percent reductions by 2025. By contrast, under current policy, economy-wide net GHG emissions would fall to 18–22 percent below 2005 levels in 2025.
The Curbelo proposal has the following implications for the US energy market and economic outcomes, compared to a scenario in which current policies remain in place through 2030:
- Annual federal government revenues increase by $57 billion–$72 billion in 2020 and $63 billion–$106 billion in 2030 (all monetary results are in 2016 dollars).
- Natural gas production is 2–3 percent higher in 2020 and 5–8 percent lower in 2030.
- Crude oil production is not significantly affected, and gasoline and diesel prices increase by less than 10 cents per gallon.
- National average electricity prices are 8 percent higher in 2020 and 5–10 percent higher in 2030.
- Per capita energy expenditures will increase by about $275 in 2020 and by $186–$278
in 2030, in all years remaining more than $1,000 lower than the recent historical peak in 2008. - National macroeconomic outcomes decline modestly, including reductions in annual gross domestic product of between 0.1 and 0.2 percent in the 2020s.
- The effects on gross domestic product do not increase over time; they remain at about 0.2 percent.
- The lowest-income households benefit from the Curbelo proposal; the 10 percent of carbon tax revenues used for transfers/ dividends are more than sufficient to offset the higher energy prices.
- Younger workers, those who have not yet entered the workforce, and retirees fare better than middle-aged workers. READ MORE
Carbon Tax for Non-Renewable Fuels (Advanced Biofuels USA)
Poorer and richer states shouldn’t be held to the same greenhouse gas standards (The Hill/American Council for Capital Formation)
Bill shows chink in U.S. Republicans' climate armor (Reuters)
Why is this group updating the "social cost of carbon"? (MarketPlace)
LUKEWARM ENDORSEMENT (Politico's Morning Energy)
Why carbon tax bill is DOA, and why that might not matter (Houston Chronicle)
MAIL CALL: (Politico's Morning Energy)
GOP lawmaker proposes carbon tax (The Hill)
AD WARS: The American Energy Alliance launched the first phase of its an anti-carbon tax digital initiative (Politico's Morning Energy)
GOP rep: Parties ‘have to come together’ on climate change (The Hill)
Excerpt from Politico's Morning Energy: Prominent Senate climate hawk Sheldon Whitehouse told reporters only time would tell how significant Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo's carbon tax legislation , H.R. 6463, is to the ongoing debate. "Anytime you can get an elected Republican to admit climate change is real and propose a solution, that's a start," he said. "Whether they're serious and sincere or whether this is cover is something that time will tell, but it's definitely not unwelcome." READ MORE
Excerpt from Houston Chronicle: ...Curbelo's legislation would raise per capita energy costs between 5 and 10 percent over the next decade.
That is already drawing fire from conservative groups, like Americans for Tax Reform, which has pasted its website with headlines like "Curbelo's Carbon Tax Threatens 300% IRS Fines for 'Any person who fails to comply.'"
What Curbelo is hoping is to turn around some moderate Republicans, those who worry about climate change but are not willing to back legislation they feel will undermine the U.S. economy.
His legislation is a hodgepodge of ideas with something for seemingly everyone. It would put a moratorium on new greenhouse gas regulations. It would cut greenhouse gas emission 30 to 40 percent by 2030. And it would increase funding for transportation infrastructure by up to $106 billion by 2030.
"There are political realities, and we wanted to introduce legislation that brought together some of the most important political movements of the moment," Curbelo said. READ MORE
Excerpt from Politico's Morning Energy: Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo's carbon tax legislation, H.R. 6463 (115), got a boost Wednesday from more than 30 companies — including BP America, Calpine Corporation , Shell and DTE Energy — which penned a letter in support of the measure.
— Following tariff relief granted to farmers by the administration, Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee want to know when fishermen can expect their trade aid.
— United Steelworkers' Roxanne Brown wants Congress to follow through on proposed changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard that would reduce compliance costs for oil refiners.
TAKE A LOOK: The Alliance for Market Solutions will release a new report on a carbon tax today by FTI Consulting. It finds the revenue from such a tax could permanently extend the recently enacted tax cuts. The analysis also predicted that by the end of the decade, national GDP and employment would increase by 0.73 percent and 1 percent, respectively, while carbon emissions would decrease 23 percent. READ MORE
Excerpts from Politico's Morning Energy: The American Energy Alliance launched the first phase of its an anti-carbon tax digital initiative Thursday to encourage "citizens to hold their elected officials accountable for their support for destructive energy taxes." The initiative will target congressional districts, beginning with Rep. Carlos Curbelo's in Florida's 26th District. The $75,000 digital ad buy will run for two weeks and follows Curbelo's introduction of H.R. 6463 (115).
— The League of Conservation Voters will today launch Instagram ads targeting Reps. Chris Collins, Dan Donovan, Darrell Issa and Lynn Jenkins. The ads highlight the climate voting record of the lawmakers — all members of the Climate Solutions Caucus — including last month's support of H. Con. Res. 119 (115), declaring a carbon tax "detrimental" to the U.S. economy. Watch the ads for Collins, Donovan, Issa and Jenkins. READ MORE
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