Thermal Catalytic Biomass Conversion: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Anellotech
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) READ MORE
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) READ MORE
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) This week, we hosted a webinar what is universally agreed to be the single largest new application of advanced industrial biotechnology — this is the Big Kahuna, or sustainable aviation fuel. Sustainability is critical to airlines, and
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In our March Madness webinar series, a popular entry has been the session on “butanol and other 4C molecules: prospects and progress”. We looked at a number of companies in depth here, including slides from
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) News this week arrived from Canada that Enerkem has received the lowest carbon intensity value ever issued by the British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines for its ethanol product under the Renewable and Low
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Reverdia is a joint venture between Royal DSM, the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company, and Roquette Frères, the global starch and starch-derivatives company. Reverdia is dedicated to be the global leader in the
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Not long ago, George Huber and Robert Brown wrote in a special issue of Energy Technology of their desire to “highlight recent advances in pyrolysis technologies and to discuss the critical research needs of this
by Cindy Zimmerman ( Ethanol has a seat on the ground at one of the largest Earth Day events in the country this weekend – Earth Day Texas, which last year hosted over 130,000 attendees, over 700 exhibitors and more
by Brian Scheid and Meghan Gordon (Platts) Have refiners' hopes for a quick rollback of the US biofuel mandate by the Trump administration fizzled out? The industry judged two early appointments as signs of the president's willingness to reform the Renewable
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Not long ago, George Huber and Robert Brown wrote in a special issue of Energy Technology of their desire to “highlight recent advances in pyrolysis technologies and to discuss the critical research needs of this
Laís F. Thomaz* (Advanced Biofuels USA) The GAF Talk was held last month, in Sao Paulo, to present some agriculture trends and to promote a debate on the new technologies that will surely be on the agenda of the 2018
(Vertimass, LLC) One of four advanced biofuels and bioproducts technology companies invited to present -- Vertimass LLC is proud to announce that it is one of four companies selected to present at the "Pitch for a Green Future" session at
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) We’ve been covering market access, and technology development, but what about accessing markets in emerging economies and around the world where feedstock is abundant, policymakers are motivated, but other risks and constraints apply that can be
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Recently, Nexant principal Ron Cascone joined us for a March Madness webinar on the horizons for Biobased Plastics. Here below are his illuminating slides presented on the day. READ MORE
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In our March Madness series, we’ve been covering emerging markets and technological pathways – now we turn to two other key drivers, market access and carbon pricing. There are two approaches — volumetric mandates and carbon
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) This week, news arrived from MetGen that they have developed a novel chemo-enzymatic process that leads to oxidized forms of 5-HMF. They report that “this form of sugar is known to have above 90% conversion
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Four axioms start this presentation by David Dodds, on C5 and C6 sugar opportunities, at a breezy pace: If you are making a molecule from another molecule, you are a chemist, doing chemistry. Synthetic biology is merely
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Now on the one hand you have the theory of alternative fuels, chemicals and materials, then there is the actual making of them — often aiming for exotically high rates, titers and yields in order
by Cindy Zimmerman ( ...Led by Don O’Connor, a Vancouver-based international expert on greenhouse-gas emissions, the panel discussed biodiesel opportunities from coast to coast. From the west coast was Simon Mui, Director of California’s Fuels, Energy and Transportation Program for the
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) When they write the story of the advanced bioeconomy one day, they might just title it “Put Another Log on the Fire” because consistently you tell us that the near-term feedstock opportunities are in waste
by Lee Imada (Maui News) A general map showing possible uses of now fallow sugar fields — including areas for possible biodiesel-producing tree orchards, coffee and cacao crops and livestock-irrigated pastures — was projected on a screen as the former
by Nat Willilams (Iowa Farmer Today) ... (Barry) Frazier (president of Center Ethanol) was among biofuels advocates speaking at a conference of the National Postsecondary Agricultural Student Organization here. More than 500 college students and ag professionals were on
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Clariant’s sunliquid technology for the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into sugars, followed by fermentation to cellulosic ethanol, is flexible to be used to convert different feedstocks on a regional basis, for example corn stover in
by Chris Clayton (DTN The Progressive Farmer) Leaders Tout Potential Growth, Challenges for Renewable Refinery Products -- ... Whether it is spoons, Coke bottles or carpets made out of corn, livestock enzymes for pharmaceuticals, or John Deere tractors using soy oil
(Diesel Technology Forum) With national and international policies moving toward a low-carbon, sustainable future, advanced clean diesel technologies and the emergence of low-emission renewable diesel fuel are leading to the continued growth in diesel’s dominance in the transportation and off-road
(U.S. Department of Energy) The U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) published a report titled Alternative Aviation Fuels: Overview of Challenges, Opportunities, and Next Steps. This new report provides an overview of the current state of alternative aviation fuels,
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Last September, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus rode aboard one of the EA-18G Growler fighter jets testing 100% biofuel flights this month to demonstrate his commitment to getting biofuel mainstream within the Navy. Currently all Navy ships
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Licella produces drop-in biofuels from a wide range of biomass and uses a supercritical water-based technology and catalysts to break up biomass and reform it into a drop-in fuel hydrocarbon. The compelling features of supercritical are
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Mercurius says it “has the technology and processes that will, for the first time, make the production of cellulosic biofuels profitable while meeting the needs of the diesel and jet fuel markets and satisfying government
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Earlier this month, we reported that Comet Biorefining had successfully closed an investment round to fund its proposed cellulosic sugar production facility using stover and wheat straw as feedstock. PM Equity Parnership, the corporate venture and private
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Renewable Energy Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: REGI) is a leading provider of cleaner, lower carbon intensity products and services. We are an international producer of biomass-based diesel, a developer of renewable chemicals and are North America’s
by Kelsey Quargnenti (Renewable Fuels Association) This month the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) hit a major milestone with its Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) training program on Preventive Controls for Animal Food. During the latest course, offered in early March in
by Hannah Black and Sarantis Michalopoulos (EurActiv) In sectors like aviation where decarbonisation options are limited, there is a strategic advantage in encouraging the use of biofuels, a European Commission official has said. The aviation sector is dependent on liquid fuels and has
by Meghan Sapp (Biofuels Digest) In California, review of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard is well underway with a public meeting looking scheduled for April 4 looking at lifecycle assessment modeling for fuels and feedstocks including potential updates to CA-GREET
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Byogy has developed a catalytic platform that converts any source of ethanol, butanol, mixed alcohols, or related olefins, into full replacement, and cost competitive biofuels including gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Byogy’s jet fuel is
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) What’s up at the DOE? Bioenergy Technologies Office Director Jonathan Male answered the question in this update, given at ABLC 2017 in Washington. In this deck, he looks at milestones ahead, programs, goals and challenges.
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Honeywell’s UOP has developed a renewable jet fuel processing technology, a renewable diesel process, as well as a joint venture, Envergent Technologies, that will market technologies and equipment for generating power, transportation fuel and heating
by Celia DuBose (California Biodiesel Alliance/Biodiesel Magazine) Jennifer Case, chair of the California Biodiesel Alliance, ended her opening address at the sixth annual California Biodiesel Conference March 1 in Sacramento with one simple message: The world of biodiesel is trending up.
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Aemetis owns and operates 110 million gallons per year of ethanol and biodiesel facilities in the US and India, and is upgrading the plants using patented technology to produce lower carbon, higher value advanced biofuels
(Netzwerk Biotreibstoffe) A workshop was held in conjunction with ExCo78 in Rotorua, New Zealand on the 9th November 2016. With approximately 60 participants, the theme of the workshop was Drop-in biofuels for international marine and aviation markets. Fifteen invited speakers gave presentations (including
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Major announcement: New ICM cellulosic fuels project. Major announcement: Licella JV for supercritical fuels & chemicals Major announcement: New $112M Sofinnova renewable chemicals venture fund Industry Horizons: Presentations from Amyris, Capricorn Venture Partners, Ginkgo BioWorks, Raymond James ABLC Financing &
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In uniquely combining the whisky by-products, Celtic Renewables Ltd adapt the traditional Weizmann Fermentation process (also known as ABE fermentation) to a brand new and entirely sustainable novel substrate – not only providing a sustainable
by Joanne Ivancic* (Advanced Biofuels USA) Biofuels Digest's Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference started with an afternoon ABLC Feedstock Summit at the US Department of Agriculture. Three points jumped out. The value of the farmers/growers perspective of biofuels; rethinking the value
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) At ABLC 2017, Algae Biomass Organization executive director Matt Carr took the stage with a theme of “algae as a factory for conversion of low-value carbon into oils, proteins, pigments, soil enhancers, ethanol and higher alcohols, probiotics and therapeutic compounds, and other high-value
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) At ABLC 2017 in Washington, the Digest presented its annual State of the Advanced Bioeconomy presentation, including a look at 21 technologies and companies to watch in 2017. “Opening with our annual industry survey on business confidence, we then
by Darren Fishell (Bangor Daily News) The company EMEP LLC wants to buy the shuttered East Millinocket paper mill to build a biorefinery that it said would be a centerpiece of a larger $240 million plan for biomass energy parks
by Helena Tavares Kennedy (Biofuels Digest) ABLC guests heard Governor Paul LePage from Maine invite all of us to his beautiful Northern state that has many existing and promising biomass projects and even backyard farms that grow tomatoes year round
by Helena Tavares Kennedy (Biofuels Digest) ... While there were big questions, there were big answers, beginning with a panel on The Sustainable Agriculture Imperative. John Pieper from Dupont Industrial Biosciences shared their latest work with cellulosic ethanol in the corn
by Joanne Ivancic* (Advanced Biofuels USA) Amid an animated discussion of policy issues, one item gained the support of all five panelists: publication of the Renewable Fuels Standard renewable volume obligations for 2017 and 2018 by June, on schedule. Moderated by
by Joanne Ivancic* (Advanced Biofuels USA) This morning at the "Defense Production Act (DPA) Advanced Drop-in Biofuels Production Project Round 2 Industry Roundtable" held at the US Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC, Zia Haq, Senior Analyst and DPA Coordinator
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) The production of Agrisoma’s Resonance Carinata is being expanded to multiple locations globally to provide a supply of sustainable, non-food oils for meeting the demand for sustainable biofuels. Resonance Carinata is certified sustainable by the
(U.S. Department of Energy) The Biorefinery Optimization Workshop Summary Report is now online! Read this new report for an overview of industry challenges and opportunities discussed during the Biorefinery Optimization Workshop, which was held on October 5–6, 2016, in Chicago, Illinois. The
(PTI/The Financial Express) The Centre will soon come out with policies on the second-generation ethanol as well as methanol, non-conventional fuel resources, which will bring down the crude import bill by Rs 1 lakh crore, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said
by Andrew Follett (The Daily Caller News Foundation) Members of the Conservative Political Action Conference panel “Energy Rationing: The Tragic, Unintended Consequences,” argued the federal ethanol mandate isn’t benefiting the regions of the country it’s supposed to. ... America supports ethanol via
by Josh Pedrick (Platts) The US ethanol market is ready to stand without support from government regulations and the Renewable Fuel Standard should be repealed, Chet Thompson, president of the American Fuel and Petrochemicals Manufacturers organization, said this week in an
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Below50 is an initiative that brings businesses together with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Roundtable for Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) and Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) to promote the best-of-breed of sustainable fuels
(GreenAir Online) Although sustainable alternative fuels are key to meeting the aviation sector’s long-term emissions goals, supportive government policies are required to bring these fuels to global deployment. This was a central theme of last week’s ICAO Seminar on Alternative
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Looking to better understand the outlook for the US ethanol industry, but lack the time to wade through the entire 40-page Ethanol Outlook 2017 from RFA (which is right here, for download, in complete form)? Well,
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) ... Let’s look at the letter behind the headlines. “Rest assured that your president and this administration values the importance of renewable fuels to America’s economy and to our energy independence. As I emphasized throughout my campaign,
by Cindy Zimmerman ( Reporters covering the National Ethanol Conference in San Diego had questions about a number of topics when given the opportunity to have a press “scrum” with Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen. The first questions
by Todd Neeley (DTN The Progressive Farmer) Though there is angst in rural America about the future of the Renewable Fuel Standard and agriculture trade in particular, the leader of the nation's largest ethanol interest group told an ethanol industry
by Chris Prentice (Reuters) A U.S. biofuels lobbying group on Tuesday said it is seeking to work with longtime rival the oil industry to fight the threat to both from subsidies for electric vehicles. The two industries have been at loggerheads
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) The program objective seen in these slides is to take a technology from Technical Readiness Level 2 to TRL 3/4 — a technology that directly upgrades ethanol to a drop-in hydrocarbon fuel at a high
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In June 2011, the Secretaries of Agriculture, Energy, and Navy signed MOU to commit $510M (up to $170M from each agency) to produce hydrocarbon jet and diesel biofuels in the near-term. This initiative sought to
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) ... (S)omething less than $200 million has been so far positively and affordably earmarked by lenders to revolutionize the entire supply chain of US air transportation fuels. Which is to say, you can just about get
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In California, farmers from the Midwest are in California’s Central Valley touring the first-of-its-kind Zero Net Energy Farm, or “ZNEF,” to learn how to generate all electrical and heating power needs from on-site renewable resources,
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) According to this presentation deck from NREL’s Melvin Tucker, “to produce high concentration sugar and reactive lignin streams at high yields and low costs from biomass to meet BETO’s 2017 ($5/GGE) and 2022 ($3/GGE) Goals and Targets,
by Festus Okoromadu (Leadership) The managing director of Biodiesel Nigeria Limited, Engr. Hussaini Solomon, has said his company has concluded arrangement to establish a mini-biodiesel refinery in Lokoja, Kogi state worth N5.2 billion. In an exclusive chat with LEADERSHIP, Solomon said his
(NewBIO) Something new happened in the bioenergy willow world this week in Pennsylvania. A new type of willow energy crop harvester got its first run on a willow crop in Pennsylvania. The machine, a 2 row harvester, was acquired as part
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) To demonstrate an advanced biofuels technology that integrates a catalytic biomass pyrolysis step and a hydroprocessing step to produce infrastructure compatible biofuels, here’s the basic recipe, according to a research team led by David Dayton at RTI
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) As the project team behind this presentation explains, there’s trouble right here in River City when it comes to accessing good market and technical data on making hydrocarbons from a biochemical process. Process and economic data
by David Hallberg (Ethanol Producer Magazine/Urban Air Initiative) Candid discussions at the Health Effects Institute offer hope ethanol's positive emissions profile will be taken seriously, writes a UAI advisor and Siouxland Ethanol board member in the Clearing the Air column
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) KeegoTech aims to catalyze the development of emerging technologies by employing the talent and creativity of the greater public — in this case, giving a basic backgrounder about microbial fuel cells, which have a long-range
by Mike Stone ( BP’s annual report on the global energy market is notoriously conservative when it comes to alternative technologies—and this year is no different. -- Despite a massive increase in electric vehicles and other non-conventional cars, the internal
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) The goal? Develop microbial biocatalysts to convert lignin-rich streams into value-added products. That’s subject which this project — “Synthetic Metabolic Pathways for Bioconversion of Lignin Derivatives to Biofuels,” led by Oak Ridge National Lab’s Adam Guss
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) BPA designs, builds, and operates commercial scale Grower Harvester bioreactors that enable efficient conversion of light and CO2 into high value microbial feedstock. BioProcess Algae LLC is based in Omaha, Neb. and is currently running
by Ron Kotrba (Biodiesel Magazine) The food and livestock industries have railed against biofuels for years, based on the argument that corn ethanol and soy biodiesel raise food prices. More recently, some have suggested that soy biodiesel emits more greenhouse
by Ifeanyi Lawrence-Agbai (Today) The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Tuesday disclosed that the federal government would invest about $50 billion to the development of a domestic biofuel industry which would serve as an alternative energy source for Nigeria. It said the
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Velocys enables modular gas-to-liquids and biomass-to-liquids plants to convert unconventional, remote and problem gas and waste biomass into valuable, drop-in liquid fuels. After 15 years and some $300 million in investment, Velocys technology is headed for
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) To “Demonstrate an advanced biofuels technology that integrates a catalytic biomass pyrolysis step and a hydroprocessing step to produce infrastructure compatible biofuels,” that’s the ratuional behind a DOE project with RTI in the lead, aimed
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) A group of researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have completed a survey of the economic activities and rural jobs that a corn stover bioeconomy can offer, which is currently featured on the cover of the latest
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Last week, we held a webinar aimed at helping you get your board of directors, senior management team, investors and partners focused on the right winning strategy during a loan guarantee process such as Section
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Virent is in the business of replacing crude oil by applying clever chemistry to create the fuels and chemicals the world demands using a wide range of naturally-occurring, renewable resources. Virent’s patented technology features catalytic
by Joanne Ivancic* (Advanced Biofuels USA) Energy use hid in the background of nearly all presentations at the DC Auto Show's 2017 Policy Day whether visions of the future or descriptions of the present or near-term. [caption id="attachment_80925" align="alignleft" width="190"] Harman's
by Ron Kotrba (Biodiesel Magazine) ... “The integration of biodiesel in the broader distribution system will help viability of this product in the broader market,” said Rod Woodford, manager of shipper relations and product quality for Explorer Pipeline Inc. Moving low-level
by Ron Kotrba (Biodiesel Magazine) ... Every drop of biofuels required by RFS to diversify the U.S. transportation fuel supply means the oil industry loses money through lost market share and its responsibilities as an obligated party in the program. “Money
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Mercurius says it “has the technology and processes that will, for the first time, make the production of cellulosic biofuels profitable while meeting the needs of the diesel and jet fuel markets and satisfying government
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Americans respond more to environmental messages on renewable diesel fuels than energy security or economic impact, according to a survey undertaken by the Diesel Technology Forum and presented last week by DTF’s Tom Fulks at
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Americans respond more to environmental messages on renewable diesel fuels than energy security or economic impact, according to a survey undertaken by the Diesel Technology Forum and presented last week by DTF’s Tom Fulks at
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) The company manufactures custom, high-quality, synthetic DNA used by scientists to construct genes, pathways, genomes and organisms that will enable the next generation of breakthroughs in biology. Word came through this week that Gingko BioWorks
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Cellana uses the most productive plants on earth—marine microalgae—to photosynthetically produce its ReNew line of Omega-3 EPA and DHA oils, animal feed, and biofuel feedstocks. Cellana’s patented ALDUO system, a series of photobioreactors coupled with
(National Biodiesel Board) Clean air champions, policy drivers, fleet influencers highlighted with industry awards -- The biodiesel industry saw record market growth in 2016 and this year’s National Biodiesel Board industry awards highlight champions who have had a major
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Bottom line, if you’re in the business of financing a renewable fuels project with a loan guarantee in the mix, you’re probably talking with Stern Brothers and managing director John May, and some combination of
by Joanne Ivancic* (Advanced Biofuels USA) Highlighting Advanced Biofuels USA's work on a feasibility study of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore energy beet project proved to attract many visitors and a bit of buzz at the Keystone Farm Show,
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In the EU, energy experts told members of the European Parliament in hearings this week that the European Commission’s proposed phase-out of conventional biofuels by 2030 threatens to remove one of the EU’s best options
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Honeywell’s UOP has developed a renewable jet fuel processing technology, a renewable diesel process, as well as a joint venture, Envergent Technologies, that will market technologies and equipment for generating power, transportation fuel and heating
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) We reported this week that an explosive new peer-reviewed report from ICF found that greenhouse gas emissions reductions from typical corn-based ethanol production have soared to 43 percent compared to 2005-era gasoline. The report projects that
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) “Why Animal-Free? We wanted a way to enjoy the dairy products we love – with zero compromise,” says Perfect Day Foods on its website. Bottom line, using biotech they have created milk crafted without the help of
(Algae Industry Magazine) Marine algae have the power to simultaneously fuel vehicles, recycle carbon dioxide, and provide nutrition to animals and humans,” said Ira A. Levine, a tenured Professor of Natural and Applied Sciences at the University of Southern Maine
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Oberon Fuels is facilitating the growth of the DME transportation industry by converting biogas and other hydrocarbon rich waste streams to higher valued commodities such as DME. Using its proprietary small-scale process, Oberon makes DME
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Velocys enables modular gas-to-liquids and biomass-to-liquids plants to convert unconventional, remote and problem gas and waste biomass into valuable, drop-in liquid fuels. After 15 years and some $300 million in investment, Velocys technology is headed for
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) LanzaTech’s gas fermentation platform disrupts the current highly centralized global energy system by enabling the regional production of low-cost energy from local wastes and residues, including gases as varied as industrial flue gas, gasified biomass
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Newlight, founded in 2003, is harnessing methane-based carbon emissions as a resource to replace oil and reduce the cost of plastics production–fundamentally changing both the economics and environmental impact of the plastics industry. The AirCarbon production
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) DMC’s technology enables reproducibility and robustness to scale; Production of a diversity of targets using a single bioprocess; HTS approaches that translate to full scale performance — and the company says, “50X improvement in speed and cost of
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) GreenLight Biosciences is a bioproduction company that has developed what it terms “a revolutionary cell-free manufacturing platform”. The cell-free platform is capable of synthesizing complex chemicals through a sustainable, clean, biological process at costs that can
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) With the Agile BioFoundry project, the National Lab consortium, in partnership with academia and industry, aims to achieve a 40% decrease in the energy intensity of current manufacturing processes. Plus, a 60% decrease in the carbon
by Julien Hall, Samar Niazi, and Gao Xiaojuan (Platts Commodity Pulse VIDEO) China's corn stockpiles, built up over the past couple of years, have reached problematic levels. In this video, S&P Global Platts Agriculture editors Julien Hall, Samar Niazi and Gao
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Global Bioenergies is a pioneer in the development of one-step fermentation processes for the direct and cost-efficient transformation of renewable resources into light olefin hydrocarbons, the key building blocks of the petrochemical industry. Since inception,
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) California, the land of milk and honey when it comes to markets for biofuels. What’s up now, what’s coming, what’s working? Low Carbon Fuels Coalition chief Graham Noyes gave this illuminating overview at ABLC Next
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Edeniq is a biorefining and cellulosic technology company. Edeniq delivers integrated process innovations that unlock sugars. These technological innovations uniquely combine mechanical and biological processes. Edeniq’s capital light and operationally efficient solutions can be easily integrated
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) LanzaTech has developed a fully sustainable integrative gas to fuels and chemicals platform that has no impact on food, water security or high biodiversity land use. LanzaTech’s gas fermentation platform disrupts the current highly centralized global
by Anthony Adragna (Politico's Morning Energy) Squeezed budgets from low oil prices since mid-2014, combined with rising energy demand, will boost demand for renewable energy and efficiency technologies across the Middle East, according to a white paper published Monday following
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Gevo has two proprietary technologies that combine to make it possible to retrofit existing ethanol plants to produce isobutanol, a four carbon alcohol which serves as a hydrocarbon platform molecule. They have developed an industrial
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Iogen says it has has “one of the world’s largest and most experienced teams in developing, designing, de-bugging, scaling-up and deploying cellulosic biofuel technology. We’re using innovative thinking and disciplined engineering to transform cellulosic biofuels
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Recently, Ginkgo BioWorks announced the launch of their next generation foundry, Bioworks2. With 125,000 square feet and an 6X expected increase in capacity compared to BioWorks 1, Bioworks2 represents a step change in what is possible for
by Ted Reed (The Street) United Airlines leads the global airline industry in its commitment to biofuel, targeting the use of 900 million gallons over the next 10 years. -- United Airlines (UAL) , which uses about 4 billion gallons
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Founded by Dr. David Soane, a renowned serial entrepreneur and inventor in the field of materials science and surface chemistry, Crop Enhancement is developing formulations that employ advanced and environmentally friendly chemistry to eliminate or minimize
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Greenyug is a privately held technology development company with a mission to research, develop and commercialize production of commodity chemicals, specialty chemicals, polymers and fuels derived from renewable sources. The laboratory facility is based in
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) BETO. I think it’s Latin for “I forbid petroleum.” So while presidents have the Veto, technologists have the Beto. It’s most widely known in its modern variant, as the acronym for the DOE’s Bioenergy Technologies Office, the hearth and
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Clariant’s sunliquid technology for the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into sugars, followed by fermentation to cellulosic ethanol, is flexible to be used to convert different feedstocks on a regional basis, for example corn stover in North
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Ensyn uses its patented and proprietary RTP fast thermal technology to convert wood residues and other non-food, cellulosic biomass to liquid biofuels. Ensyn has had continuous commercial operations for more than 25 years. Its technology has
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Byogy has developed a catalytic platform that converts any source of ethanol, butanol, mixed alcohols, or related olefins, into full replacement, and cost competitive biofuels including gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Byogy’s jet fuel is
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) The company manufactures custom, high-quality, synthetic DNA used by scientists to construct genes, pathways, genomes and organisms that will enable the next generation of breakthroughs in biology. Founded by pioneering scientists in fabrication, genetics, and bio-engineering,
by Paul Bryan (Biofuels Digest) Without a significant cost of CO2 emissions, biofuels will never gain enough market share to meaningfully reduce those emissions,” said Paul Bryan at ABLC Next in San Francisco. Agree, disagree? Former VP Biofuels for Chevron and
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Caribou Biosciences provides solutions for cellular engineering and analysis based on the CRISPR-Cas9 technology for gene editing — a technique where DNA is inserted, replaced, or removed from a genome using artificially engineered nucleases. It’s been
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Flint Hills Resources is a major force in US ethanol and biodiesel markets — and most recently in the bioeconomy news stream for its JV with and investments in Benefuel — bringing a new technology
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Whether it is partnering with COMAC to research aviation biofuels, launching a biojet program with Aeromexico and Mexico’s Airports and Auxiliary Services, or with the Port of Seattle and Alaska Airlines — or launching a
by Emily Skor (Growth Energy/Ethanol Producer Magazine) ... Access to higher blends is good for Americans’ pocketbooks, their engines and the air we all breathe. Since I became CEO in May, Growth Energy has started new conversations on why American
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) This past week, a remarkable group of people gathered in Ottawa, perhaps described best as the “friends of Jeff” because the ostensible excuse for a get-together was Jeff Passmore’s Scaling Up Conference and because, to
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Building a low carbon, bio-based economy through sustainable innovation means scaling up technologies. And that means financing for scale. The opportunity is massive. As the OECD wrote in its Bioeconomy 2030 report, “The Bioeconomy will hit its stride in
(Biodico/Biodiesel Magazine) Biodiesel producer Biodico Inc. announced Nov. 16 that it has completed its resource assessment to support the next stage of development for its “Zero Net Energy Farm” project, which is funded in part by the California Energy Commission
(Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest) This talk introduces a web-based decision support tool for biorefinery siting and explores the economic viability of potential biorefinery locations in Chehalis, WA, Dallas, OR, and Hayden,ID. WATCH VIDEO
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) In May, Benson Hill Biosystems launched CropOS, a cognitive engine using cloud biology to empower a new era of plant genomics innovation. CropOS uses powerful data analytics and biological knowledge to identify the most promising plant genetics
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Aemetis owns and operates 110 million gallons per year of ethanol and biodiesel facilities in the US and India, and is upgrading the plants using patented technology to produce lower carbon, higher value advanced biofuels
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Arzeda’s proprietary technology combines targeted computational enzyme design and protein optimization with state-of-the-art metabolic bioengineering to create entirely novel designer cell factories capable of industry-scale chemical production. CEO Alex Zanghellini gave this overview of Arzeda’s breakthrough technology at ABLC Next in San
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Capturing and concentrate (ambient) CO2 at low prices for direct use and production of fuels and chemicals, using solar or wind energy. That’s Antecy. With the help of an organic, non-amine sorbent, ANTECY turns the negative
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Fulcrum BioEnergy has developed a “game-changing process for converting municipal solid waste that would otherwise be landfilled, into renewable transportation fuels including syncrude, jet fuel and diesel”. The company has successfully proven and demonstrated this
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) What are the true drivers of Innovation in Agtech, Foodtech, and Renewable Chemicals? AT ABLC Next in San Francisco, the opening plenary session looking at this topic featured Roger Wyse, managing partner of Spruce Capital Partners,
by Cindy Zimmerman ( A panel of U.S. Grains Council consultants traded international perspectives on the utilization of the ethanol co-product distillers dried grains (DDGS) in various countries during Export Exchange 2016. ... The group discussed the challenges and opportunities
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) At the biennial CAAFI (Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative) meeting in Washington DC, Florida’s Treasure Coast development chief Ben DeVries presented the compelling economics for growers to replace acreage lost to citrus greening with sweet sorghum
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) The ASCENT Center of Excellence at Washington State University is focusing on meeting the environmental and energy goals of the Next Generation Air Transportation System, including reducing noise, improving air quality, reducing climate impacts, and energy
(AgriMoney) The world ethanol market will tighten next year, as US consumption and exports outstrips production, while Brazilian output declines, Green Plains said. The US ethanol producer saw demand rising, thanks to strong gasoline demand, and a higher proportion of ethanol
by Laís Forti Thomaz* (Advanced Biofuels USA) Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) promoted its first Latin America Conference in Sao Paulo October 26-28, 2016, co-hosted by Biominas and with the support of the Brazilian Industrial Biotechnology Association (ABBI). The theme of
by Bill Carey (AIN Online) Principals in the United Airlines effort to introduce aviation biofuel into its regular operations said it was a necessary step to advancing the fledgling alternative jet fuel industry. United started using “commercial-scale” volumes of biofuel
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) ... The advanced bioeconomy is making a far more broad assault on everyday norms and materials than back in the days when biofuels were, just about alone, the break-out application. Shift to nutrition The momentum began to shift
(European Commission Community Research and Development Information Service/Greenovate! Europe) The ButaNexT project presented its research into a new and improved biofuel – biobutanol - at the Energy and Environment Knowledge Week (E2KW) Congress in Paris on Friday 28 October. Project partners
by Ron Kotrba (Biodiesel Magazine) For better or worse, the U.S. biodiesel industry continues to consolidate. While 2014-’15 has been a rough period in the sector, the fallout has presented undeniable opportunities for key players with strong balance sheets and
(U.S. Grains Council) Mexican authorities considering how ethanol fits into their country's energy mix heard from U.S. researchers about air quality, lung health and other quality of life benefits and from Colombian and Paraguayan regulators about their successful implementation of
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) On October 23-26 the algae industry gathered in Phoenix, AZ for the Algae Biomass Summit , its annual get together. Gone are the glory days of algae biofuels capturing headlines and promising to save the world
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Reliance Industries has been working on HTL technology for algae conversion to biofuel for last 5 years and recently have started extending their work beyond algae to other feedstock. With its inherent technological advantages over other
by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Of all the many wonders at the Algae Biomass Summit this week, perhaps there was nothing more interesting in terms of the Department of Energy’s laudable attention to the sector than a poster from NREL on