Course Description: Depleting fossil fuel reserves and adverse affects of fluctuating oil prices have renewed interest in alternative and sustainable sources of energy. The University of Vermont is actively involved in this area through research and instruction. Experts in following areas will provide hands-on instruction in various biofuels including:
LIQUID BIOFUELS (seed-based biodiesel; bioethanol; algae-biofuel);
SOLID BIOFUELS (wood & grass energy), and
BIOGAS (the farm-based energy).
This course covers a wide-range of Biofuels related science & technology topics, background & literature, as well as important environmental, economic, social and other Biofuels related issues.
Degree and non-degree seeking students, farmers, budding entrepreneurs, teachers (interested in developing curriculum, or projects at school or college levels) and others.
- ON CAMPUS CLASSES: BY UVM FACULTY MEMBERS and EXPERTS from VT-based biofuels businesses;
- HANDS ON FIELD WORK involving tours to Farms/Biofuel facilities & related projects;
- TALKS by guest-speakers/experts from businesses;
- ONLINE CLASSES: supplementary classes/information including video clips and discussions.
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Plants
Topics Covered and Respective Instructors*
- Anju Dahiya, Ph.D., Research Scientist Gund Institute for Ecological Economics; Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Sciences; & President General Systems Research LLC
- Matt Cota, Executive Director, Vermont Fuels Dealers Association
- Adam Sherman, Program manager & Fuel Supply Expert, Biomass Energy resource Center, Montpelier VT
* Guest Speaker: Adam Sherman, Program manager & Fuel Supply Expert, Biomass Energy resource Center, Montpelier VT
* Wood Biomass Conference/Field day: Cecilia Danks, Ph.D. Associate Professor Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, UVM
* Roel Boumans, Roel Boumans, Fellow, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, Former Research Associate Professor, UVM
Compared to wood burning in the first half of the last century heating with wood today is dramatically different and better in every way. The efficiency of the average woodstove has roughly doubled to about 70 percent and does not produce the dense plumes of blue-gray smoke anymore. Chimney technology and safety have improved. Recognized standards for virtually every appliance type and component have been developed and adopted into building code legislation. Within the present discussion about our energy future, wood heating is virtually nonexistent. Wood burning is most often identified as a pollution problem to be solved rather than as an opportunity to be harvested. So, despite the fact that millions of families burn wood at home, its role as an energy source seems rarely to appear in the public debate. Exploration of the Wood bio fuel session will discuss the levels and methodologies that producers and consumers of fuel wood have access to for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and managing a forest sustainable. On campus and three field trips.
Background Info:
* Sid Bosworth, Extension Associate Professor (Agronomist and Instructor), Plant and Soil Science Department, UVM
In the Grass Biomass Energy session, we will be looking at the benefits,challenges and various uses of grass biomass utilized for energy including thermal, gasification and cellulosic ethanol. You will be able to look at and learn to identify the major warm and cool season grasses used for biomass, collect samples for biomass yield, and process and convert switchgrass hay into pellets. The second day, students will attend a grass energy field day where they will be able to see equipment and research plots.
Check out The UVM Vermont Grass Energy Project
Production of Grass Biomass in the Northeast VT
- BIODIESEL (Oil seed-based)
* Heather Darby, Adjunct Extension Assistant Professor, UVM
This class will include:- Oilseed Crop Production for New England
- Crops to Oil to Biofuel in the Real World.
Topics will range from:
- Oilseed crops suitable for New England Production;
- Oilseed crop production pr actices to maximize oilseed and oil quantity;
- Oil extraction;
- Co-products (oilseed meal) and best uses for the farming community;
- Observe oilseed crops growing in real world setting.
- Observe oilseeed crop experiments including seed rate, fertility trials, planting date trials, and variety trials;
- Observe oil extraction and compare oilseed presses;
- Observe on-farm fuel production;
- Visit with farmers and gather more practical application for small scale fuel production.
Background Info:
Oilseed Crops
* Guy Roberts, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer at Avatar Energy, LLC, Vermont.
Waste biomass currently gets landfilled or sometimes composted. Anaerobic digestion of this biomass can produce a fuel gas that can run generators and be used for heating. The digestion by-products often have significant value as fertilizer, soil amendments and fibrous pulp. Digestion, a first step in reclaiming energy from garbage and waste, may become a standard feature on farms, institutions and possibly even residences. Despite being a technology that is hundreds of years old, there is much room for improvement. Through this course take a look at the current understanding of the biology and engineering behind this growth industry.
* Anju Dahiya, Ph.D., Research Scientist Gund Institute for Ecological Economics; Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Sciences; & President General Systems Research LLC
* John Todd, Research Professor in the School of Natural Resources and a Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Vermont
This class will include:
- overview of algae biofuels;
- relevance to northeast and Vermont;
- related issues;
- lab and field experience.
Two prominent topics are:
- Algae based Eco-Machines for wastewater treatment,toxic material decontamination, and energy production.
- An Algae Based Agricultural and Energy Eco-Park for the Caribbean.
* Thomas Buchholz, Ph.D., Research Associate, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Sciences, UVM
This class will include:
- Identifying critical components and stakeholders of biofuel systems
- Building Criteria and Indicator (C&I) frameworks for integrated sustainability assessments of biofuel systems;
- Applying Multi-Criteria Analysis tools to operationalize C&I frameworks in participatory sustainability assessments with case studies;
* Bob Parsons, Ph.D. Extension Ag Economist - Professor, Extension/Department of Community Development and Applied Economics, UVM
*Samuel M. Gorton, I.E. The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College Gund Institute for Ecological Economics
As recent price spikes in oilseed and starch crops have demonstrated, biofuels processes are highly intertwined with the food system. In addition to demanding agricultural materials, conventional biofuels production also requires significant amounts of fossil fuel energy. In the case of biodiesel production, fossil fuel inputs are required for crop cultivation, harvesting and transportation (petroleum) as well as in processing (electricity from the grid and thermal energy from natural gas). Recent work has suggested that co-location of biodiesel production with anaerobic digestion processes might reduce fossil fuel inputs for electricity and heat while providing nearby markets for animal feed, glycerol and biodiesel products. Thus a dairy farming community might reduce the rate of external inputs flowing into its boundaries, producing a large portion of its own energy and feed while generating milk for export to outside markets. This lesson will offer an understanding of the dynamics of material and energy demands for different components of the food system. With this knowledge, opportunities to incorporate small-scale, appropriate renewable energy processes at farm and/or landscape scales might be elucidated.
* Robert G. Jenkins PhD, Professor, CEng, School of Engineering, UVM
* Britt Holmen, Associate professor, UVM School of Engineering
Air Quality and BioEnergy effects of biofuels development on air quality from agricultural emissions during crop land preparation, cultivation, etc. to exhaust emissions associated with biofuels use in vehicles, residential heating, etc. The objective is to make sure students incorporate the side effects of biofuels production and use on air quality into their overall analysis of biofuel/bioenergy life cycle.
* Mary J. Dunlop, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, UVM
* Scott W. Gordon, Ph.D. Founder & CEO, Green Technologies, LLC
* Netaka White, Biofuels Director, VT Sustainable Jobs Fund, Montpelier VT
Building a Sustainable Biofuels Sector in a Rural Northeast State
Before 2003, there was no biofuels sector to speak of in Vermont. This class highlights the strategic aims of the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund's Biofuels Initiative (VBI) and the other activities and players that are building this new sector of Vermont?s energy base and economy. Exploring both the controversy of industrial biofuels and attributes of the New England model of sustainable biofuels, the class will provide additional context for biofuels technology development in Vermont, assess its current position, opportunities and potential future.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The course development team is grateful for the support from Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy and UVM's Continuing Education. READ MORE
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