Joanne Ivancic, Executive Director
Executive Director, Joanne Ivancic, has lived and worked in the Washington area for more than 30 years. She graduated from George Washington University National Law Center, worked for Senator Charles Grassley under his chairmanship of the Senate Special Committee on Aging and has served as a lobbyist for Atlantic Biomass Conversions, Inc., promoting advanced biofuels research and production on Capitol Hill and with executive agencies. She has observed the development of advanced biofuels research and financing for nearly 20 years. Joanne has been licensed to practice law in Washington, DC; Virginia; and Utah.
Other volunteers:
We have about 20 volunteers in our active list. Some are new, just beginning to work on projects. Here's an example of some on-going activities and their leaders.
Doug Root, President, has been a board member since the earliest days of the organization. Based in Minnesota, he brings experience with both agriculture and technology.
Bob Kozak, Treasurer, has served as green racing and engine development expert, contributing many articles and hundreds of hours to bringing different worlds together, including the world of enzyme development.
Dr. Craig Laufer serves as Secretary and brings his understanding of academia and expertise in microbiological research.
Special thanks goes to our board members: Dr. Don Erbach, Jenna Bloxom, Dr. Lais Thomaz, Todd Campbell and Chris Tindal.
Peggy Alpert represents the organization at many events and activities in the Washington, DC area. Peggy is also conference staff extraordinaire.
Marie Fleitz keeps our database up to date.
Bill Brandon, an engine/fuel expert, writes and advises on technical aspects of fuels and engines and serves as our Rapid Response Team, making appropriate comments related to articles on that topic in addition to helping our at conferences.
We are filling Bob Bennet's retirement with his creation of our Access database, developing better ways for us to communicate with those who are interested in advanced biofuels.
A group of other professionals and students are working on writing articles for publication in local and regional media; and on improving our outreach to campus groups, civic organizations and others interested in advanced biofuels; and on educational programs. They include: Dr. Gunjan Mukherjee, Rikki Wilkinson, Karen Peacock, Nathalia Fernandes Pimentel, Anahita Bharadaj, Gaulthier Blangez, Justin McPherson and Jay Pipavat.
Financial Reports
2009 Annual Report
990N 2009
2010 Annual Report
2011 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report
2013 Annual Report
2014 Annual Report
2015 Annual Report
2016 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report
2018 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report