(U.S. Department of Energy) Today, the U.S. Department of Energy released the 45ZCF-GREET model. This announcement follows the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service guidance on the Clean Fuels Production Credit (section 45Z) released on January 10, 2025.
The Clean Fuels Production Credit provides a tax credit for the production of transportation fuels with life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below certain levels. The credit applies to eligible transportation fuel produced domestically after December 31, 2024, that is sold by December 31, 2027.
45ZCF-GREET includes feedstock-specific fuel production pathways for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and non-SAF fuels. The model is designed specifically to evaluate life cycle GHG emissions to meet the requirements of section 45Z and to include features that make it easy to use for taxpayers.
DOE also released the 45ZCF-GREET User Manual which describes how the 45ZCF-GREET model characterizes life cycle GHG emissions of transportation fuel production pathways and provides guidance for using the model to determine emissions rates for clean fuels under section 45Z.
The 45ZCF-GREET model and user manual are available on the DOE GREET webpage READ MORE
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Excerpt from Renewable Fuels Association: The Renewable Fuels Association today welcomed the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s release of an interim rule on Technical Guidelines for Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Crops Used as Biofuel Feedstocks. The interim rule establishes guidelines for quantifying, reporting, and verifying the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of corn, sorghum, and other biofuel feedstock crops grown in the United States. The USDA guidelines could help inform the inclusion of CSA practices in future clean fuel regulations and tax credit programs, like the 45Z clean fuel production credit.
“America’s ethanol producers applaud USDA for publishing these important guidelines, and we sincerely thank Secretary Tom Vilsack for his extraordinary vision and leadership,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “The entire team at USDA deserves much credit for the enormous effort and technical work that went into this process. These new guidelines begin to open the door to new value-added opportunities for farmers and renewable fuel producers.”
Cooper noted that emissions related to feedstock production account for more than half of ethanol’s carbon footprint; and to date, policies and regulations have not allowed farmers and ethanol producers to embrace more efficient, lower-carbon feedstock production practices as a pathway for reducing the carbon intensity of renewable fuels and breaking into new markets like sustainable aviation fuel.
“Today’s USDA guidelines finally create a much-needed structure for properly assessing, valuing, and integrating the carbon reduction benefits of certain farming practices into lifecycle analysis. We thank USDA for developing this initial framework that could ultimately allow farmers to actively participate in carbon markets, bringing new revenue streams and unprecedented value creation to rural communities.”
USDA is requesting public comments on the interim rule to help inform future revisions or additions to the final rule. RFA will provide comments to USDA on potential improvements, including the need for a decoupled, book-and-claim approach for supply chain management of CSA feedstocks.
Relatedly today, the Department of Energy released details on the 45ZCF-GREET model, which has been adopted by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to calculate the emissions reduction percentages under the Clean Fuel Production Credit (“45Z”) established by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. READ MORE
Excerpt from Clean Fuels Alliance America: Long-awaited carbon intensity scores can provide stability for clean fuel producers -- Today, Clean Fuels Alliance America welcomed the Department of Energy’s release of the 45ZCF-GREET model for use in calculating carbon intensity scores and associated values for the §45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit. Clean Fuels also appreciated USDA for issuing an Interim Rule on Technical Guidelines for Climate-Smart Agriculture Crops Used as Biofuel Feedstocks, along with a beta version Feedstock Carbon Intensity Calculator.
The 45ZCF-GREET model and associated documentation provide needed clarity on how producers can calculate the credit and include its value in negotiating fuel sales and feedstock contracts. The Climate Smart Ag model outlined by USDA requires further work and cannot currently be calculated into the value of the §45Z credit.
Kurt Kovarik, Clean Fuels Vice President of Federal Affairs, stated, “We appreciate Treasury, USDA, and the Department of Energy issuing these long-awaited rules and models. We also thank the many Members of Congress who urged the Administration to publish this guidance as soon as possible. Biodiesel and renewable diesel combined are meeting 9% of U.S. demand for distillate fuel for heavy-duty transportation needs. These rules are crucial to our industry, and continued growth in the industry is essential to the agricultural sector and to U.S. energy security. We will continue to work with our members to evaluate whether today’s releases provide clean fuel producers the policy certainty they need to negotiate feedstock and fuel offtake agreements, and ultimately grow the production and market for biomass-based diesel.”
Kovarik added, “USDA’s rule could enable American farmers and biofuel producers to calculate the carbon benefits of conservation practices. We look forward to continued work with USDA, Treasury and the Department of Energy to ensure that farmers can financially benefit by adopting these practices and cooperate with clean fuel producers to increase the value of domestically produced clean fuels.” READ MORE
Excerpt from U.S. Department of Energy: Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released an update to the 45VH2-GREET model, which has been adopted by the Department of the Treasury for the purposes of calculating well-to-gate emissions of hydrogen production facilities for the clean hydrogen production tax credit established in Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C. section 45V [45V tax credit]).
DOE also released the 45ZCF-GREET model. This announcement follows the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service guidance on the Clean Fuels Production Credit (section 45Z) released on Jan. 10, 2025. The Clean Fuels Production Credit provides a tax credit for the production of transportation fuels with life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below certain levels. The credit applies to eligible transportation fuel produced domestically after Dec. 31, 2024, that is sold by Dec. 31, 2027.
- 45VH2-GREET Update
45VH2-GREET Rev. January 2025 is available on the DOE GREET webpage along with an updated manual and updated change control logs. The model is designed specifically to evaluate the emissions of hydrogen production processes, to meet the requirements and objectives of section 45V, and to include features that make it easy to use for taxpayers.
For questions on how to use the model, please contact 45VH2GREETSupport@ee.doe.gov.
45ZCF-GREET includes feedstock-specific fuel production pathways for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and non-SAF fuels. The model is designed specifically to evaluate life cycle GHG emissions to meet the requirements of section 45Z and to include features that make it easy to use for taxpayers.
DOE also released the 45ZCF-GREET User Manual which describes how the 45ZCF-GREET model characterizes life cycle GHG emissions of transportation fuel production pathways and provides guidance for using the model to determine emissions rates for clean fuels under section 45Z.
The 45ZCF-GREET model and user manual are available on the DOE GREET webpage. READ MORE
Excerpt from Bloomberg Law/Kirkland & Ellis: A recent IRS notice on the clean fuel production credit under Section 45Z of the tax code provides important guidance for the clean fuels industry, but the agency still needs to issue several important clarifications.
Specifically, future guidance should confirm that standard agency/broker commercial contracts allow producers to claim the tax credit, provide streamlined approaches for unique pathways and feedstocks to qualify for the tax credit, and offer guidance for owners and co-owners of mixed-use facilities.
The Jan. 10 notice, and proposed regulations within, help clean fuel producers determine when a sale of clean fuel is a “qualifying sale” for which the Section 45Z credit is available. It suggests that sales to intermediaries and brokers that purchase and resell fuel can disable the tax credit, because the taxpayer must sell the fuel to be sold for use “as a fuel” in the purchaser’s trade or business.
This potential disabling appears unintentional—the notice suggests that the IRS’s focus is to ensure that transportation fuel is sold for use as a fuel by the end user rather than as a feedstock to produce other fuels, such as ethanol-to-jet fuel production.
To that end, the IRS should revise the notice to require any intermediaries to inform a producer of who the end user will be. The producer can contractually ensure an intermediary only sells to parties that enable the producer to qualify for the credit. This allows producers to price their fuels appropriately if a sustainable aviation fuel producer purchases the fuel and shifts the credit away from the transportation fuel producer.
When computing emissions rates to calculate the per-gallon amount of the credit, the notice directs taxpayers to use a new model for non-aviation transportation fuel developed by the Department of Energy in partnership with Argonne National Laboratory. Producers of aviation fuel are directed to continue using the most recent model released by the International Civil Aviation Organization, a leading industry group.
Although taxpayers may only rely on the notice after it’s published in the Federal Register, the release of the new model for non-aviation transportation fuel improves producers’ ability to compute their emissions score and, consequently, the value of their tax credit.
However, the new model for non-aviation fuel doesn’t provide inputs for unique production methods, such as low carbon ethanol using certain non-corn-based feedstocks. Taxpayers which use these methods must apply for provisional emissions rates from the Department of Energy. Applying for one may be challenging, and other approaches to determining emissions rates are available.
The Treasury Department and the IRS should consider allowing taxpayers to use alternative models—such as those published by the International Civil Aviation Organization or the California Air Resource Board—that provide substantially similar emissions scores for the pathways that were included in the new model.
Proposed regulations in the notice would resolve unanswered questions over which taxpayers can claim Section 45Z credits when there are multiple parties in the supply chain.
Production of a transportation fuel would include all steps and processes necessary to take a primary feedstock (such as corn) and chemically transform it into a transportation fuel (such as ethanol) ready to be sold. A person who provides only minimal processing of fuel in the supply chain—such as concentrating, dehydrating, or blending fuels—may not claim the Section 45Z credit.
Consistent with the qualifying sale rules that disable sales of transportation fuel for use as a feedstock, only the producer of the final transportation fuel is eligible to claim the credit.
The guidance also clarifies that any fuel suitable for use in a highway vehicle or aircraft qualifies as transportation fuel, even if it isn’t used as such. This enables marine diesel fuel and marine methanol to qualify, provided they could be used as transportation fuel in a highway vehicle but instead are used in seafaring craft.
The proposed regulations introduce ambiguity to the anti-stacking rules. These rules intend to prevent taxpayers from receiving Section 45Z credits for a facility in the same year for which the taxpayer is allowed a credit for the same facility under Sections 45Q and 45V, or the election in Section 48(a)(15).
Future guidance should clarify that consistent with case law, a taxpayer is only allowed an anti-stacking credit in a tax year for which the taxpayer actually claims such a credit.
Fortunately, with multiple opportunities to revise the proposed regulations, future guidance can clarify these ambiguities and enable the industry to use the tax credit in a commercially sound manner.
This article does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Bloomberg Industry Group, Inc., the publisher of Bloomberg Law and Bloomberg Tax, or its owners. READ MORE
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