( Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (FIERN) (Google translation)) The president of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (FIERN), Amaro Sales de Araújo, participated in the opening of the 2nd Congress of the Brazilian Network of Biokerosene and Sustainable Hydrocarbons for Aviation (RBQAV), which was held on Monday night. fair (16), at the Wish hotel, on Via Costeira, in Natal.
With the presence of Minister Paulo Alvim, of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), among other authorities, the event aims to promote the interaction of the various segments involved in the production and use of alternative fuels, mainly biokerosene for aviation.
Amaro Sales said that the industry could not fail to participate in the Congress. “Brazil is going through a moment where energy is talked about. The world talks about energy. With the guarantee, the valorization of renewable energies, we see the importance that the industry needs from energy”, he commented.
He assured that Rio Grande do Norte will export energy to the world in a sustainable way. “SENAI has an effective participation in Brazil through its network with support to the national industry, which has a lot to contribute to the [federal] government”, said the president of FIERN.
The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Paulo Alvim, highlighted the agenda discussed in Congress and that the Ministry has a group of partners that have been working for a long time. He highlighted the “moment of energy transition” and the search for clean technologies from an energy point of view. In addition, he also said that he knows and highlighted the work developed by the ISI-ER. “It is already a partner of the Ministry in other initiatives in the area of wind power, for example”, he commented.
Alvim mentioned “various works” that are developed by the Institute and that “he thinks and must build more partnerships with the ISI”.
Also present at the event, Rodrigo Mello, regional director of SENAI-RN, the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Renewable Energies (ISI-ER) and the Center for Gas Technologies and Renewable Energies (CTGAS-ER), declared that he is proud to participate of an event that is an environment for creating biofuels. “We need to give the generations that follow us a better and cleaner environment than the one we live in”, he declared.
Mello stressed that the place to develop this is Brazil. “Because of the differential of our agriculture, of our tropical agriculture, competitive differential in relation to the rest of the world and for the conditions to produce this energy from renewable energies”, he explained.
The president of the Congress and coordinator of the Brazilian Network of Biokerosene and Renewable Hydrocarbons for Aviation, Amanda Gondim, recalled the need to make biokerosene a reality.
The event continues until Wednesday. For more information about the Congress and the program, click here: https://www.metallum.com.br/2congressoRBQAV/programacao
ISI-ER to present sustainable aviation fuel project
During the 2nd Congress of the Brazilian Network of Biokerosene and Sustainable Hydrocarbons for Aviation (RBQAV), the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Renewable Energies (ISI-ER) presents the project for the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel, which is under development at the Institute, in Natal.
“It is an opportunity to share what we are doing in Research, Development & Innovation in areas that we have been working on for more than 10 years and that bring perspectives for expanding options for the use of renewable energies”, said Rodrigo Mello.
Also within the schedule, on Wednesday (18), at 2:30 pm, director Rodrigo Mello participates in the round table “Production and use of hydrogen”. In the morning, at 10:40 am, researcher Fabíola Correia, from the ISI-ER, will participate in the roundtable on “Synthetic aeronautical fuels”.
On the afternoon of Monday (16), a delegation made up of members of the Congress participated in a technical visit to the ISI-ER coordinated by director Rodrigo Mello together with researchers Fabiola Correia de Carvalho and Juan Ruiz in which the Eólica, Solar and QAV, that is, all technologies relevant to the production of sustainable aviation fuel. READ MORE
Dutra said at a conference that the Brazilian mandate will be based on an emissions reduction scheme -- which is expected to encourage SAF producers to look for the best life cycle emissions route from the perspective of less greenhouse gas emissions -- and not the volume blended, as with ethanol and biodiesel mandates.
Brazil will also try to connect the current decarbonization program, Renovabio, with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, or CORSIA, program, which would potentially increase the international liquidity of CBIO decarbonization credits, Dutra said. Each credit is equivalent to 1 ton of CO2 avoided.
According to a Brazilian investor, it takes at least five years to build an SAF plant, and so far in South America, there are just two SAF plants under construction.
The Omega Green plant in Paraguay, owned by the Brazilian group ECB, is the first, and it is expected to be operating by 2024. Omega Green has an estimated production capacity of 75,700 liters/day, shared between renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuel and green naphtha. ECB Group plans to use soybean oil, animal fats and used cooking oil as feedstock.
The second SAF plant is expected to begin operations in 2025 and is a result of a partnership between Brasil BioFuels and Vibra, Brazil's largest fuel distributor. The plant, in North Brazil, has an estimated production capacity of up to 250 million liters/year of HVO and 280 million liters/year of SAF.
It is still not clear if Brazil will consider any credit incentive for the national SAF industry development, but US SAF prices suggest the high relevance of the credit incentive to turn SAF into an economic and sustainable option for companies committing to emissions reductions. READ MORE
Excerpt from Brazil Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations: Minister Paulo Alvim announced calls from MCTI through FINEP and CNPq to support researchers in the sector -- The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Paulo Alvim, participated on Monday (16) in the opening of the 2nd Congress of the Brazilian Network of Biokerosene and Sustainable Hydrocarbons for Aviation. In addition to the Network, the event is held by the Secretary of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), and aims to promote the interaction of the various actors involved. in the production and use of alternative fuels, mainly biokerosene for aviation, contributing to the further development of this sector and its dissemination.
In his speech, at the opening table, the minister highlighted the promising moment in the area of fuels of the future and renewable energies and announced that, soon, the MCTI will launch three public calls through its linked FINEP and CNPq to support researchers from the area. “We believe in you and the country will certainly become a reference in sustainable fuels, biofuels and hydrogen”, he guaranteed.
The minister also assured the integrated work of the Federal Government for the development of the sector. “We are building a state strategy that involves the entire government structure,” he said. “For a continental country like ours, this is an opportunity to undertake. Everyone is together; the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the National Petroleum Agency, the National Civil Aviation Agency. The government is integrated because this is a window of opportunity”.
Amanda Duarte Gondim, professor at the Institute of Chemistry at UFRN and coordinator of the Network, was emphatic in highlighting the fundamental role of the MCTI in holding the event and in the development of the sector. “Without the ministry, this would not be possible. The first time I went to Brasília, the Secretary of Entrepreneurship and Innovation wanted to bet on it, and it has been betting on this not only in technological development, but in the construction of public policy, with the presence of industry and academia,” she recalled. “So I am very grateful to the ministry for contributing and participating in this construction. ”
Also participating in the opening ceremony were the rector of UFRN, José Daniel Diniz Melo, the coordinator of the Center for Technological Research of the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels, Alex Medeiros, the director of the Biofuels Department of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Fábio Vinhado, the president of the Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Norte System (FIERN), Amaro Sales de Araújo, the director of the Senai Innovation Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, Rodrigo Melo, the director of the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac ), Rogério Benevides, the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Viviane Anjos, and the vice-rector of the Federal University of Paraíba, Liana Figueira de Albuquerque.
courses and workshops
The event continues until Wednesday (18), with workshops, courses and lectures. On Monday morning (16), SEMPI/MCTI offered the E-fuels for Aviation in Brazil course, within the scope of the project Promoting Alternative Fuels without Climate Impacts (ProQR), coordinated by the MCTI in Brazil and, in Germany, by the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety (BMU), of that country.
The project is implemented in Brazil in partnership with MCTI by the German agency Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the course addressed topics such as aviation fuel production routes, scenarios and perspectives, projects in progress and in implementation and production costs, with the presence of international speakers and consultants. READ MORE
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