

Dyadic Receives Funding for New Advanced Biofuels Program

(Dyadic/PR Newswire)   Dyadic International, Inc. ("Dyadic") (OTCQX: DYAI), a global biotechnology company focused on the discovery, development, manufacture and sale of enzymes and other proteins for the bioenergy, bio-based chemicals, biopharmaceutical, food and feed industries, announced today details regarding 2G

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Global Bioenergies: First Production of Liquid Hydrocarbons from Biological Feedstock Using the Isobutene Process

(Global Newswire/Global Bioenergies)  First batch of  "renewable oil"; Ground and air transportation fuels; Perspective of new industrial sectors; Prevention of climate change Global Bioenergies announces today having converted renewable resources into gaseous isobutene, and secondarily into liquid fuels similar to those extracted from oil.

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Södra and Statkraft Form JV to Produce Biofuel at Tofte Pulp Mill in Norway

(PaperAge) Södra and Statkraft have signed a cooperation agreement to start a jointly-owned company for the future production of biofuel at the former Tofte pulp mill in Norway. The company will be named Silva Green Fuel AS, and will be 49-percent

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Novozymes to Supply World's First Sawdust-Based Biofuel Refinery

by  (Reuters)  Danish industrial enzymes maker Novozymes has struck a deal to supply the world's first refinery producing biofuel from sawdust.  Novozymes is already a big player in the biofuel market, providing about 60 percent of enzymes used in U.S.

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Washington Update: Carbon And Tax Policy

By Bob Cleaves (Biomass Magazine)  Biomass Power Association President Bob Cleaves discusses ongoing policy and regulatory discussions affecting the industry. ...  In late March, we testified at the EPA’s Scientific Advisory Board meeting to review the Framework for Assessing Biogenic CO2

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The DOE’s 12 Top Biobased Molecules – What Became of Them?

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  ... If they handed out Platinum and Gold certification to scientific papers as we do with recorded music, “Top Value Added Chemicals from Biomass” would be a multi-platinum chart-busting monster. This 2004 survey, completed by staff

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4 Minutes with… Harry Cullinan, Director of Technology Deployment, Auburn University

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  ... My role is to bridge the gap between basic R&D and ultimate commercialization of biorefining technologies with particular emphasis on the raw material base and existing assets of the US pulp and paper industry. Current

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Regulations Could Hamper Biomass Project

by Brent Shrum (The Western News)  Libby is the top choice for a company looking to build a $46 million plant that would use new technology to turn forest debris into 5 million gallons of liquid fuel per year, but there’s

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Tribe to Convert Abandoned Ethanol Plant into Wood Pellet Production Facility

by Dave Flessner (Times Free Press) The Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut wants to turn one of Tennessee's biggest renewable energy failures into a business success with another type of renewable product in growing demand around the globe. Northeast Wood Products, a wood

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Downsize Bioenergy Risk while Approaching Scale: Partnering with ZeaChem’s Technology Institute

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) For most investors, building a demonstration-scale facility in order to get, and validate, data for the last pre-commercial stages, is a necessary evil somewhere between diaper-changing and a colonoscopy on the “revolting, yet inevitable” meter. Those who

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New Study Highlights Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil Yields of 17-27% from Cellulosic Feedstocks

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  In Washington state, a new study released in the journal Energy & Fuels is providing the first, fully integrated assessment of common feedstocks from the field to refinery-ready crude fuel, based on hydrotreatment or fast

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Thought Leadership: The Toxic Substances Control Act and the Bioeconomy: Part 1, The Impact of Nomenclature on the Commercialization of Biobased Chemicals; Part 2, Reportable Substances across the Manufacturing Process; Part 3, Call to Action

by Richard E. Engler, Ph.D. (Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. and The Acta Group)  When I meet people from bioeconomy companies, I ask them about their products’ status under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The most common answers I receive are:

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Engineered Softwood Could Transform Pulp, Paper and Biofuel Industries

by Krista Eastman (University of Wisconsin-Madison)  Scientists have demonstrated the potential for softwoods to process more easily into pulp and paper if engineered to incorporate a key feature of hardwoods. The finding, published in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy

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The Catalyst That Refused To Die

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  Battelle-led group succeeds in US Department of Energy challenge — 1,000 hours of continuous biomass hydrotreating on a single catalyst charge.  The undefeated champ hits 1200 hours before being retired from the ring. Next stop,

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Driving Sustainable Agriculture through Improved Qualities in Eucalyptus and Poplar Trees

(Intreson/PR NewsWire)    Intrexon and FuturaGene Collaborate to Develop Unique Attributes and Agronomic Properties in Significant Plant Species Intrexon Corporation (NYSE: XON), a leader in synthetic biology, and FuturaGene Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A., the

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Sweetwater Energy Raises $10M; Begins Ramp-Up to First Commercial

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  Sweetwater Energy announced it has closed on a $10 million bridge loan. The loan closed as Sweetwater said that it is now opening its Series B investor round to begin construction of a first commercial facility. Sweetwater

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TSCA Nomenclature May Be Barrier for Advanced Biofuels

(The Biobased and Renewable Products Advocacy Group/The Oil Price Information Network)  (The Oil Price Information Network (OPIS) spoke with BRAG's Richard E. Engler, Ph.D., Senior Policy Advisor with B&C, regarding the application of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to

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Cascades Announces Major Investments in Biorefinery Project at Cabano Plant

(Cascades/PRNewswire) Cascades Inc. (TSX: CAS), a leader in the recovery of recyclable materials and manufacturing green packaging products and tissue paper, is pleased to announce the company's investment in a new technology at its Norampac – Cabano facility. This innovative

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Tobacco Plants May Boost Biofuel and Biorefining Industries

(Science Daily)  Researchers will genetically modify tobacco plants to produce enzymes that can break down biomass from forest raw materials. This may lead to a more effective, economic and sustainable production of biofuels, they say. ... Today the forest-based biorefining industries face

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Minnesota, the Green Giant: Going All out on Agrastructure and the Advanced Bioeconomy

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  ... Today, we look at how Minnesota, too, has been experiencing success via its bioeconomy, and how and why.  The traditional view of “Minnesota”? A giant metropolis in the Twin Cities, replete with giant ag-focused corporations

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The Experiment in Exploitation of Engines Working on Biofuel Has Been Completed in Sweden

(Ukrainian Biofuel Portal)  Stockholm authorities reckoned up the results of a four-year experiment in testing the trucks with engines using alternative fuel. Within the framework of the experiment, fifty trucks appeared on the roads of Stockholm, equipped with methane-diesel, diesel-electric and

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Residue or Residon’t: Untapped Fuel Yields from the US Corn Production System

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Why not use the materials we don’t need, to produce the fuels we do need? ... (R)educe, re-use, recycle. Use what’s already there. And there’s nothing more powerful in the Imperial Department of Re-Use than sustainable agricultural

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Germany: Start-Up of Second Generation Biofuel Production through the Bioliq™ Project

(Air Liquide) Conducted in partnership with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the bioliq™ pilot plant aims at demonstrating the feasibility of a process to produce high-quality sulfur-free fuel from residual biomass. These “second generation” biofuels are produced using the inedible

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BioTfuel: A Project to Produce Biofuels via Thermochemical Conversion

(Total) The BioTfueL project focuses on producing second-generation biodiesel and bio-jet fuel via thermochemical conversion. Total is working with five partners to bring the process to commercial-scale production. In the BioTfueL project, Total is working with five partners to develop technologies for

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Confronting and Solving “Chicken or Egg” Conundrums in Renewable Project Development

by Tim Sklar (Biofuels Digest)  Looking to turn vicious project financing cycles into virtuous cycles?  This case study in developing a small-scale Bio-LNG plant offers cautionary tales and a way forward. In July 2014, Biofuels Digest had published an article titled

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Industry Provides Input to SAB Biogenic Carbon Emissions Panel

by Erin Voegele (Ethanol Producer Magazine)  In late March, the U.S. EPA’s Science Advisory Board Biogenic Carbon Emissions Panel held a public face-to-face meeting to review the agency’s Framework for Assessing Biogenic CO2 Emissions from Stationary Sources. A public teleconference

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PureVision to Scale up Biorefining Technology at ZeaChem Site

(PureVision Technology Inc./Ethanol Producer Magazine)  PureVision Technology Inc., a Colorado-based biorefinery developer, recently announced that it will scale up its biorefining technology at an industrial site in Boardman, Oregon, owned by ZeaChem Inc. The public announcement was made March 28

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Recent Researches of European Scientists Evidence a Strong Possibility to Prevent Deforestation Caused by Biofuel Production

(Ukrainian Biofuel Portal)  Nonetheless, the ecologists demonstrated their critical attitude towards the results of the research.  Lately, the use of biofuel is regarded as one of the most efficient ways to reduce the emissions into the atmosphere by automobiles, motor

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IH2* Technology Licensed to Leading Global Forest Products Company

(BusinessWire/IH2) Producing liquid transportation fuels from woody biomass -- A leading global forest products company headquartered in Northern Europe has entered into an FEL-1 license agreement with CRI Catalyst Company (CRI), a global catalyst technology company. IH2 technology is a thermal catalytic

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Global Bioenergies Heads for Demo Scale: A Magic Path to Isobutane in Sight

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  ... In France, Global Bioenergies announced that it has completed the financing of its demo plant, and is commencing construction immediately. The 5,000L demonstration-scale facility will be completed in spring 2015, and will be located at

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UGA Researchers Create Trees that Are Easier to Turn into Fuel

(University of Georgia/Biomass Magazine)  Researchers at the University of Georgia have discovered that manipulation of a specific gene in a hardwood tree species not only makes it easier to break down the wood into fuel, but also significantly increases tree

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HN: Babiš's Interests behind Czech Gov't Biofuel Support

(Prague Daily Monitor)  The Czech government's decision to extend reduced taxation of biofuels seems to be clearly motivated by the fact that Finance Minister Andrej Babis (ANO) wants his oil-seed rape processing plant Preol to be working at full capacity,

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Agricultural Waste Could Be Used as Biofuel

(Phys.Org)  Straw-powered cars could be a thing of the future thanks to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA). A new study pinpoints five strains of yeast capable of turning agricultural by-products, such as straw, sawdust and corncobs, into

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Investment from Flagship Ventures Brings Red Rock Biofuels Closer to Construction of its First Commercial Biofuel Refinery

(Red Rock Biofuels) Red Rock Biofuels LLC, a pioneer in renewable biofuels, today unveiled a strategic partnership with Flagship Ventures that sets the stage for the construction of its first commercial scale refinery in Lakeview, OR. As part of this partnership,

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Australian Biomass Plant To Improve Soil, Sequester Carbon, & Produce Biofuel

by Ronald Brakels (CleanTechnica)  A $10 million dollar pilot biomass plant will be constructed in the Western Australian Capital of Perth. ... The specific type of plants will be mallee crops. This somewhat broad category includes agricultural waste and crops that

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Visalia-Based Edeniq Engineering Ethanol’s Future

by George Lurie (The Business Journal NOW)  ... Lower oil prices, (Brian) Thome (president and CEO of Edeniq) said, translate into “lower prices for ethanol too. That means margins for ethanol producers will be squeezed” — a scenario that plays right into

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USDA Publishes Final BCAP Rule

by Anna Simet (Biomass Magazine)  The USDA has released the final rule for the Biomass Crop Assistance Program, and though the general scope of BCAP is not changing with the recently published rule, there are some key changes being made

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Energy Group, Total, Makes Investment & Initiates Joint Development Agreement with Renmatix

(Renmatix/Total/PR Newswire)  - Total invests in Renmatix – Takes equity and Board seat in Philadelphia based licensor of supercritical hydrolysis technology for conversion of biomass into economical cellulosic sugar   -- Companies complete Joint Development Agreement to initiate distinct R&D

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Outlook for Bioenergy 2015: What’s in Store for This Versatile Renewable Energy Feedstock?

by Jennifer Runyon (   ... Scott Chabina, a director with Carl Marks Advisors, is extremely bullish on the biofuels industry and is excited about what’s to come in 2015. Chabina — who said he hasn’t “had a single day where

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USDA, DOE Farm and Fuels Funding Updates

(Environmental and Energy Study Institute) USDA and DOE announced a raft of grant and loan opportunities and funded projects, many of them funded through the 2014 Farm Bill. On February 20, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE's) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO),

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Novel Pretreatment Could Cut Biofuel Costs by 30 Percent or More

(Science Daily/University of California-Riverside)  Researchers have invented a novel pretreatment technology that could cut the cost of biofuels production by about 30 percent or more by dramatically reducing the amount of enzymes needed to breakdown the raw materials that form

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2015 Sun Grant Conference: Academia Jumps One Step Forward and Shows What Will Be the Future of Lignocellulosic Biomass Production and Utilization in the Southeastern USA

Author, Dan Quadros, in Auburn, Danilo Gusmão de Quadros* (Advanced Biofuels USA)  After two days (February 2-3, 2015) in “Sweet Home Alabama” at Auburn University, we got overwhelmed with the most recent discoveries of cutting-edge research that were presented

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What’s New, Different and Hot in Military and Aviation Biofuels

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  ... In the world of aviation biofuels, the bands and the bunting are rolling out less frequently. But mostly, because the sector has moved out of a noise-filled early R&D phase and is heading towards deployment.

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Biofuels: Good News and False Solutions

by Elmar Baumann (Association of German Biofuels Producers (VDB)/Euractiv)   While the discussion hots up, there is good news for all those in favour of biodiesel and bioethanol as more scientific work on iLUC has been published. ILUC means that some of

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Farmers Look to Legislature for Expansion Paths

by Don Davis (Daily Globe)  Minnesota farmers want state leaders to help them expand to new markets. They are ready to enter a new era of producing crops that can be made into products ranging from rope to ink, but

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UGA Researchers Develop Super Yeast that Turns Pine into Ethanol

(University of Georgia/Ethanol Producer Magazine)  Researchers at the University of Georgia have developed a "super strain" of yeast that can efficiently ferment ethanol from pretreated pine, one of the most common species of trees in Georgia and the U.S. Their

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BPI Announces Startup of Pilot Plant Featuring LTSD Technology

(Bio-Process Innovation Inc./Ethanol Producer Magazine)  Bio-Process Innovation Inc. has announced the completion of the construction of its 1-ton pilot plant and successful operation of its low temperature steep delignification (LTSD) pretreatment process at its pilot facility in Otterbein, Indiana.  The

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The Cellulosoic Biofuels Odyssey: Crossing the Finish Line

[caption id="attachment_59604" align="alignleft" width="300"] "The Cellulosic Biofuels Odyssey," artwork by David R. Dudley; concept by Heather Youngs, Susan Jenkins, and David Dudley.[/caption] by Greg Breining (Bioenergy Connection) When Bioenergy Connection first covered the progress to commercial cellulosic ethanol in 2011, a dozen

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A Biofuel Debate: Will Cutting Trees Cut Carbon?

by Eduardo Porter (The New York Times)  Does combating climate change require burning the world’s forests and crops for fuel? ... Absent a big increase in bioenergy supplies, the climate change panel’s analysis reported, it would cost about two-thirds more, on

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Biomass Power Generation the Key to Carbon-Negative Energy, Study Concludes

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  In California, a new UC Berkeley study shows that if biomass electricity production is combined with carbon capture and sequestration in the western United States, by 2050 power generators could reduce emissions up to 145

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Will Low Oil Prices Be the Downfall of Cellulosic Biofuels?

by Wally Tyner (The Conversation/Purdue University)  ... One challenge to commercializing biofuel made from non-food sources — called cellulosic biofuels — has been cost. Unlike ethanol made from corn, cellulosic biofuels are made from the inedible parts of plants or organic materials,

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Closer Look at Flawed Studies behind Policies Used to Promote 'Low-Carbon' Biofuels

(Science Daily)  Nearly all of the studies used to promote biofuels as climate-friendly alternatives to petroleum fuels are flawed and need to be redone, according to a researcher who reviewed more than 100 papers published over more than two decades. Once

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DOE Accepting Comments on Engineered High-Energy Crop Proposal

by Erin Voegele (Biomass Magazine)  The U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy has published a notice in the Federal Register announcing the availability of the Engineered High Energy Crop (EHEC) Programs Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

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Wyoming Task Force Report Includes Bioenergy Recommendations

by Erin Voegele (Biomass Magazine)  In Wyoming, the Governor’s Task Force on Forests has issued a report featuring its recommendations for proactively managing the state’s forests. Several of the recommendations relate to bioenergy development. The report presents 12 major recommendations along

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NEWBio Funds Five Seed Grants to Advance Project Goals, Expand Northeast Bioenergy

(NEWBio) Five cooperative projects have been funded that advance NEWBio goals and fill in key knowledge gaps related to bioenergy crop expansion in the Northeast U.S: Abandoned Ag. Lands in the Northeast U.S.:  A GIS-based Analysis of Estimates, Causes, and Envisioned

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The (Oil Price) Crash of ’14: What Lessons Can We Learn?

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) 4 weeks past the helter-skelter Oil Crash, as prices plateau for now (and maybe for the long term) — what have we learned about energy markets in the Age of Alternatives? ... When prices respond vigorously to very

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To Avoid Worst Consequences of Climate Change, Solutions Must Include Land Use Sector

(Union of Concerned Scientists)  A report from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) finds that reducing emissions from the land sector must be part of a global climate solution in order to close the “emissions gap,” the difference between the

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Anellotech, IFP Energies Nouvelles and Axens to Develop Aromatics Technology from Non-Food Biomass

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  Pyromania! Anellotech lands key European partners to commercialize its pyrolysis-based pathway to high-value renewable BTX chemicals. In New York, Anellotech, IFP Energies nouvelles and its subsidiary Axens have announced a strategic alliance to develop and commercialize

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Imposing Carbon Price Would Spur Bioenergy, Slash Emissions -- MIT Study

by Amanda Peterka  (E&E Publishing / Greenwire) Bioenergy production would boom and spur steep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions if a global price is slapped on carbon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers say in a report released today. Examining bioenergy production

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The Worldwide Push for Aviation Biofuels

by Keith Campbell  (Engineering News)  On October 19, 2004, the world’s first exclusively biofuel powered production aircraft received its certification, allowing it to be flown operationally. That aircraft was (and is) the Neiva (now Embraer) EMB-202A Ipanema crop duster. This

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Argonne Model Analyzes Water Footprint of Biofuels

by Greg Cunningham (Argonne National Laboratory)  A new version of an online tool created by the US Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory will help biofuels developers gain a detailed understanding of water consumption of various types of feedstocks, aiding

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Mississippi Files Fraud Lawsuit against Khosla over KiOR

by Jeff Amy  (The Dispatch/Associated Press)  The state of Mississippi has sued billionaire Vinod Khosla and others, saying they knew long ago that bankrupt biofuel firm KiOR had poor prospects for success, but misled the state into loaning the company

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Enzyme Could Create Biofuels 14 Times Faster than Current Methods

by Bill Scanlon (National Renewable Energy Laboratory/Renewable Energy World)   Scientists at the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have developed an enzyme that could change the economics of biofuel conversion by converting biomass to sugars up to 14 times

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Colorado's Red Rock Biofuels Investing $200M in Jet-Fuel Project

by Wendy Culverwell (Portland Business Journal/Denver Business Journal)  Red Rock Biofuels LLC, based in Fort Collins, is investing $200 million in a biofuel refinery in the rural southern Oregon community of Lakeview. ... The Red Rock project will convert up to 140,000

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Eight under $70: Which Biofuels Ventures Can Beat out Cheap Oil?

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Oil prices continue to show incredible volatility. $106 in June, $50 today. Which biofuels ventures have the pro-formas to make money in a tough market? The Digest investigates. ... Avello Bioenergy Cost: $57.50 per barrel (gasoline, diesel) Stage: Preparing for

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UPM Lappeenranta Biorefinery Is in Commercial Production

(GlobeNewsWire/UPM)  The world’s first wood-based renewable diesel biorefinery has started commercial production in Lappeenranta, Finland. UPM Lappeenranta Biorefinery is based on a hydrotreatment process developed by UPM, and produces approximately 120 million litres of renewable UPM BioVerno diesel yearly. “Lappeenranta Biorefinery

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Rising Capacities, Shift to Distributed Models and Policies Are Top Advanced Biofuels Trends, Says E2 Report

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) ... The E2 report is something of a hybrid — for one, it includes actual biodiesel production, but in the case of other fuels, it reports production capacity rather than production, and includes projects which are

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UMass Amherst Lignin Research Sheds Light on How Plants Adapt to Environmental Stress

by Isabel Lane (Biofuels Digest)  In Massachusetts, new research may advance our understanding of “how the relative proportions of biopolymers,” like lignin, “are controlled in plant tissue”. The study, led by Sam Hazen at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, was

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New Information on the Environmental Impacts of Stump Wood Energy through 3D Modelling

(Finnish Environment Institute/Alpha Galileo)  Tree stumps and root systems are a significant but controversial source of bioenergy in Finland due to their environmental impacts. Now Finnish and Norwegian researchers have developed a new method that can produce accurate three-dimensional (3D)

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The 41 Weirdest Things Ever Used to Make Biofuels

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Bunnies, liposuction fat, Prince Charles’ leftover wine, day-old whale, the human poo bus, fire ants dipped in hexane, old beer, raging fireballs, vibrating blobs, dope, and even the New Orleans Times-Picayune.  Take your pick and,

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10 Biggest Bioeconomy Blockbuster Stories of 2014: Asia and Oceania

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  The East is Green. Asia is confirmed as “the new Brazil” as project developers head en masse to the friendly receptions in Asian countries — based on energy diversification and rural development opportunities. Whether you look

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10 Biggest Bioeconomy Blockbuster Stories of 2014 (EU, Middle East and Africa)

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  Aviation biofuels on the rise, in the skies” tops the trend list; drop-in and cellulosic ethanol projects; M&A and cap raises, and action from strategic investors and customers dominate the headlines this year. You might know

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The DOE’s Shifting Worldview for Biofuels Deployment, Now through 2030

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  Feedstock costs and challenges come under the microscope as the DOE reports new data on algae-based feedstocks and terrestrial crops too. Can algae-based biofuels reach full commercial scale by 2030? The Digest investigates. Twice this year, the

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Two Biorefinery a Total of EUR 33.3 Million to Support Energy

(Finland Ministry of Employment and the Economy)  The Ministry of Employment and the Economy granted 17/12/2014 Bioethanol Finland Oy, EUR 30 million to support energy Kouvola Myllykoski planned bioethanol facility investment. Neste Oil Corporation was granted, respectively, just under 3.3 million to

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10 Biggest Bioeconomy Blockbuster Stories of 2014 (Americas)

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  POET-DSM, Abengoa, Enerkem, GranBio, Raizen plant openings lead the list; REG’s M&A campaign, EPA’s RFS debacle, are other key trends. They said that cellulosic fuels were “five years away, and always will be,” but five major

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$3M Grant Supports Bioenergy Development

(State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry)   Work focuses on making renewable feedstocks more affordable The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded up to $3 million to the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) to

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New Conversion Process Turns Biomass 'Waste' into Lucrative Chemical Products

by Elizabeth K. Gardner (Purdue University) A new catalytic process is able to convert what was once considered biomass waste into lucrative chemical products that can be used in fragrances, flavorings or to create high-octane fuel for racecars and jets. A team

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Second Generation Biofuels Market is Expected to Reach $23.9 Billion, Global, by 2020 - Allied Market Research

(Allied Market Research/PR Web)  According to a new report by Allied Market Research titled, "Global Second Generation Biofuels - Size, Industry Analysis, Trends, Opportunities, Growth and Forecast, 2013 - 2020", the global second generation biofuels (Advanced Biofuels) market would reach

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Finnish Study Identifies Locally Sourced Green Diesel as a Route to Aviation Biofuel Use if Price Can Be Met

(GreenAir Online)  A study commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Transport and national aviation and biofuel companies has indicated the country is well positioned to start production of aviation biofuels but there are challenges over the higher costs of the

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Biofuel Facts for the Road: The Energy Department and Your Gasoline Pump

by Alicia Moulton (US Department of Energy)  Going “over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house” this holiday season could require a significant amount of gasoline if you’re traveling by car. Before you hit the road to visit relatives

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BETO Releases Process Integration and Carbon Efficiency Workshop Summary Report

(US Department of Energy)  On June 11–12, 2014, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) hosted a workshop in Lakewood, Colorado, to discuss research and development (R&D) opportunities related to the

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In Denmark We Continue Sustainable Biomass

(Denmark Climate, Energy and Building Ministry / google translation)  The Danish energy industry today launches a new voluntary industry agreement on sustainable biomass. The agreement must ensure that we are now applying sustainable biomass in our energy system. This is

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Falling Oil Prices Will Push Many Cellulosic Fuel Makers into the Red

(Lux Research, Inc.)  Cellulosic feedstocks can keep bio-based fuels and materials from competing with food, but despite 2.4 billion tons of feedstock available, costs may be too high, says Lux Research Most bio-based fuels and chemicals are made from food crops

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Genera Receives Growth Investment from WindSail Capital Group

(Genera Energy)  Biomass supply company, Genera Energy, receives strategic financing to support business growth Leading biomass supply company, Genera Energy Inc., has received a strategic financing commitment from WindSail Capital Group, a Boston-based investment firm that provides growth financing to companies

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SEFA to Help Scale-Up Innovative Clean Cooking Business in Nigeria

(African Development Bank Group)  The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) approved a US $580,000 preparation grant for the expansion of Green Energy & Biofuels (GEB) Bio-refinery project in Nigeria. The project is a pilot of Small & Medium Entrepreneurship

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Canadian Government Funds Enzyme Research

by Erin Voegele (Ethanol Producer Magazine)  Canadian officials have announced that the University of Toronto has been selected to receive $5 million to launch its Industrial Biocatalysis Network, which will explore new ways to use enzymes to produce environmentally friendly

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UPM and WWF Finland Co-operate to Promote the Sustainability of Wood-Based Liquid Biofuels

(WPM)  UPM and WWF Finland have engaged in a dialogue on the status of wood-based liquid biofuels in Finland and present a list of joint measures to be carried out to promote sustainability. Renewable sources of energy and sustainable production methods

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Bioasphalt Made with Lignin under Development in the Netherlands

(Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research/Biomass Magazine)  Bioasphalt for roads in Zeeland, a Dutch province, is being developed by Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research, the Asfalt Kennis Centrum (Asphalt Knowledge Centre, AKC) and the company H4A from Sluiskil (NL).

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Researchers Find Way to Turn Sawdust into Gasoline

(KU Leuven/Biomass Magazine) Researchers at KU Leuven’s Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis have successfully converted sawdust into building blocks for gasoline. Using a new chemical process, they were able to convert the cellulose in sawdust into hydrocarbon chains. These

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Entrepreneur Makes Fertilisers, Extracts Biofuel with Locally Made Oil Palm Trunk Pulveriser

by Joy Lee (The Star)  Malaysia is home to a thriving palm oil industry and we are the second largest palm oil producer in the world. And with some 5.1mil ha of oil palm plantation land in Malaysia, Trunk Busters Sdn

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Energy Department Announces $7 Million to Develop Advanced Logistics for Bioenergy Feedstocks

(US Department of Energy)  The Energy Department announced today up to $7 million for two projects aimed at developing and demonstrating ways to reduce the cost of delivering bioenergy feedstocks to biorefineries.  Examples of bioenergy feedstocks include corn stover, switchgrass,

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Elsevier Science Publishes "Bioenergy: Biomass to Biofuels" by Anju Dahiya (Editor)

(Elsevier)  Bioenergy: Biomass to Biofuels examines all current and emerging feedstocks and the advanced processes and technologies enabling the development of their end products, ranging from solid (wood energy, grass energy, and other biomass) to liquid (biodiesel from oil seed

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4 minutes with…Basil Karampelas, President, American Process

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  We’ve developed 2 proprietary biorefinery technologies producing low-cost cellulosic sugars from non-food based biomass. Our Green Power+ technology produces low-cost cellulosic sugars from the hemicelluloses. AVAP technology produces cellulosic sugars from cellulose and hemicelluloses. Our

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USDA Announces Support for Producers of Advanced Biofuel

(US Department of Agriculture)  Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that USDA is making $5.6 million in grants to 220 producers across the nation to support the production of advanced biofuels, and is awarding more than $4 million in additional

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14 for ’15: The Bioeconomy Agenda, 2015

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  14 perspectives on policy, technologies and geographies of compelling interest in the new year --  At ABLC Next this year in San Francisco — naturally, the focus is on “what’s next” in technology, finance, deployment

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Billionaire Vinod Khosla’s Big Dreams for Biofuels Fail to Catch Fire

by Steven Mufson (The Washington Post)  Just over a year ago, billionaire venture capitalist Vinod Khosla was bubbling with optimism about one of his latest investments: KiOR, a biofuel outfit he said would turn wood chips into hydrocarbons that could

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Biomass Industry Triumphs in EPA's Biogenic Emissions Framework

by Anne Simet (Biomass Magazine) The U.S. EPA has never before made such a clear and emphatic endorsement of biomass, commented Biomass Power Association President Bob Cleaves on release of the agency’s updated biogenic emissions framework. At least not for the 15

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U.S. Ethanol Industry Frets over Washington Green Fuels Study

by Don Jenkins (Capitol Press)  A consultant says ethanol made from Brazilian sugarcane could help Washington reduce carbon emissions. Midwest ethanol producers are lobbying Washington Gov. Jay Inslee to not adopt a low carbon fuels standard. An industry advocacy group, Growth Energy,

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Biofuels Initiative Shifts Gears

by Don Jenkins  (Capital Press)  Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest is three years into a five-year, $40 million project to produce a green alternative to petroleum fuel. ... Three years into a five-year, $40 million program, a University of Washington-led project to

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Shell: Expects to Be Producing Advanced Biofuels at Scale, in US, by End of Decade

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  Shell VP Matthew Tipper, at ABLCNext:  “We will likely begin manufacture in the southeast United States. We plan to be operational by late this decade.  “We believe our best bet is woody biomass and energy

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EPA Releases Updated Biogenic Emissions Framework

by Erin Voegele (Ethanol Producer Magazine)  On Nov. 19, the U.S. EPA released a revised framework for assessing biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from stationary sources. According to a notice published by the EPA, the second draft of the framework

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Oslo to Become 5% Biohub for Lufthansa, SAS & KLM – Powered by SkyNRG Nordic and Avinor

(SkyNRG Nordic/Statoil) SkyNRG Nordic, the partnership between SkyNRG and Statoil Fuel & Retail Aviation, announced the supply of the first commercial quantities of sustainable bio jet fuel to Avinor’s airport Gardermoen in 2015. Lufthansa has signed up for 5% sustainable bio

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Harvesting Poplar to Fuel Green Energy

by Patricia Townsend (Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest)  Fall is harvest season and kicks off AHB’s first harvest of hybrid poplar for bioenergy.  The Jefferson, Oregon and Hayden, Idaho demonstration sites were both harvested at the end of September and early October

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Grant Given to Arkansas Company Making Compostable Bag

(THV11)  A company affiliated with the University of Arkansas that makes a compostable bag as a substitute for plastic bags has been awarded a $741,221 grant by The National Science Foundation. The grant to cycleWood Solutions announced Monday will help the

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Animal Fat in Airplanes: Could Biofuels Help Airlines’ Bottom Lines?

by Benét J. Wilson (  Right now, oil prices are down, but nobody expects them to stay there. That is why Airlines for America, the trade organization for the largest U.S. carriers, says its members are working to develop environmentally

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Villanova Center for the Advancedment of Sustainability in Engineering Invites Advanced Biofuels USA

by Joanne Ivancic* (Advanced Biofuels USA)  What a wonderful day, talking from dawn ‘til dusk about the past, present and future of biofuels with faculty and students excited about their work in this area. [caption id="attachment_57305" align="alignleft" width="300"] Joanne Ivancic speaks

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New Versatile Process Efficiently Converts Biomass to Liquid Fuel

by Emil Venere (Purdue News)  Researchers have demonstrated a new process to convert all biomass into liquid fuel, and the method could make possible mobile processing plants.  The researchers at Purdue University filed a patent application on the concept in 2008

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Biofuels Market Insights Survey

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  This week at ABLC Next, PwC’s Brian Carey, at the outset of the first commercial session of the conference, presented results from an incisive industry survey which looked at confidence, growth, and diversification. “The concerns?” Carey

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Hottest Slides from ABLCNext 2014 – the Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  Sapphire Energy’s new multi-market product approach     Joule’s breakthrough photosynthetic efficiency     Cellana – multi-products for algae, just like petroleum READ MORE

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SkyNRG Nordic Supplies Biofuel to SAS and Norwegian

(SkyNRG Nordic) SAS and Norwegian operate their first commercial flights on SkyNRG Nordic’s bio jet fuel. Today, SAS flies on bio jet fuel from Trondheim to Oslo and Norwegian from Bergen to Oslo. The bio-flights in Norway are done in close cooperation

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Khosla-Backed Biofuel Firm Kior Files Bankruptcy, Plans Sale

by Dawn McCarty and Justin Doom (Bloomberg/Renewable Energy World) Kior Inc., a maker of biofuels from crops such as switchgrass, wood chips and corn husks, filed for bankruptcy protection with a plan to sell its assets to affiliates of backer

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Louisiana Biofuels Projects Help Spur Nationwide Green Jobs Growth

by Jennifer Larino ( Times-Picayune)    Louisiana added 225 jobs in the biofuels industry during the third quarter, ranking alongside states such as Texas and Connecticut for clean energy job growth, according to the latest Environmental Entrepreneurs report. The report, which

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Biofuels Remain an Important and Growing Sector for Developing Countries, New UNCTAD Report Says

(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)  The report entitled: "The State of the Biofuels Market: Regulatory, Trade and Development Perspectives" offers a comprehensive snapshot of today's biofuels market and how it contributes to enhancing access to renewable energy sources

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Funding Opportunity Announcement: Systems Biology Research to Advance Sustainable Bioenergy Crop Development

The fund solicits projects on systems-level research to better understand molecular and physiological mechanisms that control bioenergy crop vigor, RUE, resilience/adaptability, etc., and systems biology-enabled investigations on the role of microbial communities on multi-scaled interactions of the plant-soil environment in

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Economic Analysis of Shrub Willow Biomass Crops

(State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry)  EcoWillow 2.0 is the most comprehensive and up-to-date financial analysis tool for shrub willow biomass crops. Originally released in 2008 after over 20 years of research on shrub willow

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2 SC Firms to Celebrate Nat'l Bioenergy Day via New Collaboration

(Midlands Biofuels/Biodiesel Magazine)  ATP-SC LLC and Midlands Biofuels jointly announced an innovative collaboration to grow biocrops, produce, sell and utilize solid and liquid biofuels, and to expand the state’s bioeconomy, starting in Allendale, S.C., and expanding across the state. ... ATP-SC LLC,

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North Carolina State University Announces Biofuel Breakthroughs

(North Carolina State University/Ethanol Producer Magazine)  Scientists are using biotechnology to chip away at barriers to producing biofuels from woody plants and grasses instead of the corn and sugarcane used to make ethanol. NC State’s Forest Biotechnology Group, which has been

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Five Things to Know about Biorefinery Investments

by Alicia Moulton (U.S. Department of Energy)  ... These cellulosic ethanol plants managed by Abengoa, POET-DSM, and INEOS are three of the fifteen active integrated biorefinery projects under the Energy Department’s Bioenergy Technologies Office. Also, three new companies were awarded contracts

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Racing with Relevance: Green Racing Redefines Sustainable Motorsports

by Reuben Sarkar (US Department of Energy)  Green Racing is helping to bring new levels of "Clean, Fast, and Efficient" to motorsports competition and consumer vehicles through the announcement of this season’s Green Challenge Award and its new Green Racing Protocols. On

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The Strange World of Super-Strong, Super-Light Nanocellulose

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  Flexible electric circuits and solar panels? Advanced biofuels? New concretes and steel-like materials? New medical implants and sutures? Drug delivery vehicles? Cosmetics? Lightweight armor?  That’s just a sample of the potential apps for nanocellulose and

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Creative Discovery Museum Launches New Biofuels Website

(Creative Discovery Museum)  Did you know that fuel can be made from things like switchgrass, algae and trees? They’re called biofuels and they are all around us. Creative Discovery Museum has created a new educational website, that will help you

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California Energy Commission to Award up to $3M for Advanced Biofuel Projects

(Green  Car Congress)  The California Energy Commission’s Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program (ARFVTP) announced (PON-14-602) the availability of up to $3 million in grant funds for biofuels projects that are in the early/pre-commercial technology development stage. This

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The 8 Habits of Highly Successful Biorefinery Developers: Looking at Alberta’s Look at Advanced Biofuels

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  As Alberta looks at what might works for them in industrial biotech — Jacobs comes up with a useful take on Renmatix, GTI, LanzaTech, Enerkem, REG and OPX Bio — and 8 rules for getting

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BlueFire Plays the China Card? Ex-Im Bank of China Issues $270M LOI for Mississippi Biofuels Project

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  In California, BlueFire Renewables has received a Letter of Intent from The Export Import Bank of China (China EXIM) to provide up to $270 million in debt financing for its 19 million gallon bioenergy project

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BlueFire Renewables Receives Unprecedented Export-Import Bank of China Letter of Intent to Provide Debt Financing for a U.S. Bio-Energy Project

(Globe Newswire/BlueFire Renewables)  BlueFire's Mississippi Fulton Project Paves the Way for Other U.S./China Renewable Energy Projects BlueFire Renewables, Inc. (OTC:BFRE), a company focused on changing the world's transportation fuel paradigm through the production of renewable fuels, announced that it has received

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Major Indo-U.S. Advanced Bioenergy Consortium Launches

by Jessica Martin (Washington University in St. Louis)   The government of India’s Department of Biotechnology, Indian corporate leaders and Washington University in St. Louis have invested $2.5 million to launch the Indo-US Advanced Bioenergy Consortium for Second Generation Biofuels

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DE-FOA-0001179: Landscape Design for Sustainable Bioenergy Systems and Webinar

(US Department of Energy)  EERE is seeking interdisciplinary projects that apply landscape design approaches to integrate cellulosic feedstock production into existing agricultural and forestry systems while maintaining or enhancing environmental and socio-economic sustainability including ecosystem services and food, feed, and

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ZeaChem, Leaf Resources Sign Collaboration Agreement for Leaf Glycell

by Isabel Lane (Biofuels Digest) In Colorado, ZeaChem has signed a Collaboration Agreement with Leaf Resources. The agreement covers ZeaChem’s evaluation of the Leaf Glycell process for the production of fermentable sugars at ZeaChem’s demonstration plant at Boardman, Oregon.  The trials will

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Cool Planet Takes Big Steps toward Scale for Waste-to-Gasoline, Soil Amendment

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) USDA issues $91M loan guarantee conditional commit to Cool Planet.  Obama Administration back building of the company’s first commercial plant in Louisiana, as it opens its first commercial-scale Cool Terra operation in California. In California, Cool

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Two Forestry PGP Programmes Completed

(Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand)  Work by two recently completed Primary Growth Partnership (PGP) programmes will pave the way for future efforts towards a potential biofuels industry in New Zealand from forestry residues and reduced emissions from the fumigant

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Advanced Ethanol Makers Are Trying To Give Big Oil A Run For Its Money

by Ken Silverstein (Forbes)  Big Oil can’t put the brakes on a new renewable fuels factory in Iowa — one that will seek to supplement petroleum with next-generation cellulosic ethanol. The “Project Liberty” facility will consume 285,000 tons of biomass

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Neste Oil to Refocus Its R&D Aimed at Increasing Its Use of Renewable Inputs

(Neste Oil)  Neste Oil is to realign its long-term R&D and switch its emphasis from microbial oil research to other areas of technology for using forestry and agricultural waste. This type of waste will continue to play an important role

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Ex-Cofounder at KIOR Claims Technology not Working

(Global BioBusiness)  A former cofounder of biofuel maker KiOR says he tried to warn other board members about problems with KiOR’s technology. The claims come from Mr. Paul O’Connor, who cofounded the company and worked there until June 2012 and

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Earth to Cellulosic Ethanol: Glad You’re Here, Buddy, What Took so Long? Parts 1 and 2

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) Cellulosic ethanol arrives at scale — “The five years away forever” put to rest — but are there troubling waters still ahead? For whom, and why? Part I of II There’s a gigantic disconnect between two sections

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Boosting Biomass for Bioenergy

by  Katie Fletcher (Ethanol Producer Magazine)  Many dedicated energy crops hold promise as feedstocks for next-generation ethanol. Extensive R&D is still needed, however, to overcome the challenges in making these plants viable for commercial applications. ... This year, $12.6 million was awarded to

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Lakeview Biofuel Plant Proposal Raises Air Quality Concerns

by Cassandra Profita (  A project proposed in Lakeview, Oregon, would turn woody biomass from logging into biofuels for Southwest Airlines, the U.S. Navy and Marines. The biofuel would have fewer greenhouse gas emissions than traditional jet fuel and diesel, but

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Beginning in 2016, Southwest Airlines Will Use Biofuels

(Dallas Morning News)  Southwest Airlines announced Wednesday that it plans to buy some biofuels made from waste wood for use in its San Francisco Bay airports beginning in two years. To use Southwest’s phrasing, it is purchasing “low-carbon renewable jet fuel,

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US Navy, DOE, USDA Award $210M for 3 Biorefineries and Mil-Spec Fuels

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  Washington, the Department of Defense has awarded $210 million under the Defense Production Act to Emerald Biofuels, Fulcrum BioEnergy and Red Rock Bio towards the construction of biorefineries that produce cost-competitive, drop-in military biofuels. Under the grants, the

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New NASA Probe Will Study Earth’s Forests in 3-D

by Elizabeth Zubritsky (NASA)  A laser-based instrument being developed for the International Space Station will provide a unique 3-D view of Earth’s forests, helping to fill in missing information about their role in the carbon cycle. Called the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar, the

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Taurus Offers a Cost Effective and Environmentally Friendly Production of Ethanol

(Taurus Energy)  Cost effective and environmentally friendly production of ethanol - the future of fuel.​ Taurus Energy AB commercializes extensive development on ethanol production. The research is conducted and has been conducted by world-leading researchers and has resulted in nine patents. ​ Taurus

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On the Mend: Why INEOS Bio Isn’t Producing Ethanol in Florida

by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest)  The INEOS Bio cellulosic ethanol plant in Vero Beach, Florida officially opened last year but has been reporting only spotty production of ethanol in the EPA’s EMTS transaction system for RINs. Now, it has become clear

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USDA Announces Loan Guarantee to Help Innovative Company Turn Waste Into Renewable Jet Fuel

(US Department of Agriculture)  $105 Million loan guarantee provided through the Biorefinery Assistance Program Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that USDA has closed on a loan guarantee to Fulcrum Sierra Biofuels, LLC to build a biorefinery to produce jet fuel from municipal

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Forest Fuels Management and Biomass Utilization Bibliography: Knowledge Available for Management of North American Forest Fuels With Consideration of the Potential Uses of the Woody Biomass Generated by the Fuel Treatments

by David Patterson (Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development)  A nearly 900 page literature review regarding forest fuel reduction, isolation or modification treatments that can be used to reduce the risk of wildfire spread; including opportunities to use the biomass generated

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$15 Million Available for Advanced Biofuels Payment Program

by Anna Austin (Biomass Magazine) The USDA recently issued a notice of contract proposals for its Advanced Biofuel Payment Program, which provides payments to producers to support and expand production of advanced biofuels. According to the NOCP, $15 million is available for

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JBEI GT Collection: A New Resource for Advanced Biofuels Research

(Joint BioEnergy Institute/Biomass Magazine) Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Joint BioEnergy Institute have unveiled the first glycosyltransferase clone collection specifically targeted for the study of the biosynthesis of plant cell walls. The idea behind what is being called “the

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White Lists: A Proactive Approach to Risk Reduction for the Bioenergy Industry

by Dr. Doria Gordon (The Nature Conservancy/Biofuels Digest)   Cultivation of bioenergy crops is predicted to increase to between 27 and 120 million acres by 2022 in order to meet the renewable energy needs of the U.S. and the Environmental Protection

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Renewable Energy Could Hit 36% Of Global Energy Use, But There's A Biomass Catch

by Silvio Marcacci (The Energy Collective)  ... The report (International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) REmap 2030) lays out a five-step roadmap for scaling renewable energy up to 36% of the world’s total final energy consumption (TFEC), cutting coal use 26% and oil/gas

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A Carbon Accounting System for the Future

(25 x '25)  Making sure the federal accounting system for biogenic carbon emissions—ensuring that it is an accurate system, and taking into scientific account the unique features of biomass in the carbon cycle is front and center for over 100

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State Scrambles to Save Old Town Pulp Mill, 200 Jobs

by Susan Sharon (MPBN News)  "Effective immediately all Old Town mill operations will be indefinitely suspended." That was the message employees at the Old Town Fuel and Fiber Co. received Wednesday evening. The written statement went on to say that

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Cool Planet to Award Contract for $56 Million Biofuels Plant in Alexandria

by Jennifer Larino ( Times-Picayune )  Cool Planet Energy Systems, a Colorado energy startup that aims to turn woodchips and other organic waste into gasoline as well as a crop-boosting soil enhancer, says it has started clearing land to build

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Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Congressional Review Act Connecticut Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) construction and demolition waste/debris consumer education contamination contest contrails conversion technology Cook Islands cook stoves cooking fuel cooperatives COP21 COP22 COP23 COP24 COP25 COP26 COP27 COP28 COP29 COP30 copper coppice cordgrass corn bran Corn cobs corn ethanol corn fiber corn growers corn harvest corn kernel corn meal corn oil corn oil/distillers corn oil (DCO) corn prices corn stalks corn stover corn supply corn surplus corn syrup corn-based products corn/maize Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards corporate social responsibility corrosion corruption CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) cosmetics Costa Rica cotton cotton seed hulls cotton seed oil cotton stalk cottonwood Council on Environmental Quality county cover crops cow rumen cracking Crambe crassulacean acid metabolism plants (CAM) crimes criteria pollutants Croatia crop crop insurance cropland croton crowdfunding crude oil Cuba cup plant cuphea currency/foreign exchange policy curriculum cusi Customs and Border Protection cutworm caterpillars cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) cylindro Cyprus Czech Republic d D-3 (cellulosic) RINs D-4 (bio-based diesel) RINs d-5 D-5 (advanced biofuel) RINs D-6 (renewable fuel) RINs D-7 RINs (Cellulosic Diesel) D-8 (proposed) RINs D20 (20%DME) D5 (5%DME) dairy waste dandelion DARPA date kernel oil date palm date palm pits date palm waste Dates DDGS (distiller’s dried grains with solubles) dead zone decanol decision-support tool deep water drilling Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Defense Production Act deficit definitions deforestation defossilization Dehydration Delaware DeltaWing demonstration demonstration scale/unit Denmark densify density Department of Agriculture (USDA) Department of Commerce Department of Defense (DOD) Department of Education Department of Energy (DOE) Department of Health and Human Services Department of Homeland Security Department of Justice Department of Labor Department of the Interior Department of Transportation (DOT) depolymerization depots dextrose dfdsffsfdfsf diatoms diesel Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) diesel fuel blendstock diesel prices Diesel R5 diesel with renewables diesel-range hydrocarbons diesel-to-biodiesel conversion diethyl ether digital Digital Biology diisobutylene (DIB) dilute acid hydrolysis pretreatment DIN 51605 DIN EN 15376 (Ethanol blending component) direct air capture direct injection direct ocean capture Direct Sugar to Hydrocarbon Conversion (DSHC) direct-to-fuel directed evolution dispense distillates distillation distilled biodiesel distilled palm methyl ester (DPME) distilleries distributed/centralized distribution distribution capacity distribution waiver diversification divestment DME/rDME (dimethyl ether)/renewable DME DMF (2.5-dimethylfuran) Dominican Republic double cropping drawdown Drones/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) drop-in biofuels/hydrocarbons drought drought tolerant drought-resistant dry ice dual cropping dual-fuel/flex fuel ships Dubai duckweed e e-diesel e-LNG (synthetic/electro Liquified Natural Gas) e-methanol e-NG (synthetic natural gas) E. coli E0 E0 price E1 E10 E10 certification fuel E10 price E100 E100 conversion kit E11 E12 E13 E15 E15 price E15 pumps E2 E20 E20 price E20 pumps E22 E25 E25 pumps E27 E3 E30 E30 capable E30 certification fuel E30 optimized E30 price E30 pumps E35 E4 E40 E40 conversion kit E40 pumps E5 E5 price E50 E55 E6 E7 E70 diesel E75 E78 E8 E80 E85 E85 conversion kit E85 optimized engines E85 price E85 pumps E90 E92 E95 E97 E98 earthquakes East Africa Eastern Europe economic development Economic Development Administration economic modeling economic policy economics Ecosystems Services Ecuador ED7 (7% ethanol 93% diesel) ED95 education Education Series 3030 educational business private educational tour EERE efficiency egg shell Egypt El Salvador Electric aircraft Electric Car/Electric Vehicle (EV) electric car/Electric Vehicle (EV) Prices electric grid electricity electricity price electricity/power generation electricity/power transmission electrocatalysis electrochemical electrochemical cell electrofuels (e-fuels) electrofuels (e-fuels) prices electrolysis electrolytic cation exchange electromethanogenesis (ME) electrons Elephant grass/Napier grass elephants embargo eminent domain emissions emissions standards EN 15751 EN 15940 EN 16709 EN 228 EN 590 EN228 (standard pump gasoline) end user end-of-life Endangered Species Act (ESA) Energy Bill energy cane energy consumption energy crops energy density energy dominance energy grasses energy independence Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) Energy Information Administration (US EIA) energy law energy policy energy prices energy reserves Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI or EROI) energy security Energy Security Trust energy storage enforcement engine Engine Development engine problems Engine/Fuel Co-optimization engineering England enhanced oil recovery (EOR) entrepreneur environment environmental impact study (EIS) environmental justice/socially inclusive environmental policy Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) Environmentalists Enzymatic enzymatic conversion enzymatic depolymerization enzymatic hydrolysis enzyme production enzyme recycling Enzyme solicitation enzymes EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) EPACT (Energy Policy Act) Equatorial Guinea equipment eRINs/electric pathway Eritrea erosion control EROWI (Energy Return on Water Invested) ESG (Environmental Social Governance) esterification Estonia ETBE (ethyl tert-butyl ether) etha ethane ethanol ethanol benefits ethanol blend wall ethanol blended diesel ED ethanol blends/ethanol flex fuels ethanol emissions ethanol ether diesel fuel ethanol fire ethanol fuel cells ethanol hybrid ethanol pipeline ethanol prices ethanol production ethanol pumps ethanol tax ethanol terminal ethanol to gas ethanol tolerance ethanol-fueled aircraft Ethanol-to-Gasoline (ETG) ethanol/bioethanol ethanol/diesel ethanol/methanol synthesis ethanol2G Ethiopia Ethiopian mustard ethyl levulinate (EL) ethylbenzene ethylene ets eucalyptus Euglena European Emissions Trading System (ETS) European Union (EU) eutrophication executive order executive order--state Extended Range Electric Vehicle (EREV) externalities extremophiles f F Factor F-24 F-34 F-76 (Marine Diesel) F-T FAEE FAEE (fatty acid ethyl esters) Fair trade False Claims Act FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) Farm Bill Farm Bureau farm equipment farm policy Farm to Fleet Farm to Fly farmers farming farnesane farnesene Fats fecal sludge Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) federal land Federal Railroad Administration Federal Reserve Bank Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) feed Feed In Tariffs (FIT) feed prices Feedstock Flexibility Program for Bioenergy Producers feedstock logistics feedstock material feedstock prices feedstock storage feedstock terminal feedstock transportation Feedstocks fermentation ferry fertilizer fiber Fiji Financing Finland Fischer-Tropsch Synthetic Kerosene with Aromatics (FT-SKA) Fischer-Tropsch Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (FT-SPK) Fischer-Tropsch Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene with Aromatics (FT-SPK/A) Fischer-Tropsch/FT fish feed fish oil fish waste fit for purpose Fixed Base Operator (FBO) flameleaf sumac flavors flax fleet turnover Fleets fleshings flex-fuel vehicles (FFV) flight tests Flightpath flixweed/tansy/herb-Sophia flood-prone soil Florida flue gas FOG (Fats/Oils/Grease) follow-the-crop food Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) food and fuel food policy food prices food processing waste food safety food security food vs biomaterials/bioplastics food vs fuel food waste for forage forage sorghum forecasts foreign oil Foreign Policy forest Forest Biomass for Energy forest biotechnology forest residue/waste Forest resources Forest Service forestry forklifts Formate formic acid fossil carbon fossil fuel Frace fracking fractionation fragrance France franchise fraud free fatty acids (FFA) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) freight/cargo French French Guiana fructose fruit FT-SKA fuel fuel additives fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) fuel cells fuel economy fuel efficiency fuel injection fuel mixtures fuel molecules fuel oil fuel performance fuel prices Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) fuel registration Fuel Retailers fuel testing fuel transportation fuel use fuel wholesaler fully burdened cost fund funding fungus/fungi Furanics furfural fusel oils Future Farmers of America (FFA) Gabon gallium Gambia games gas prices gas tax/highway user fee gas-to-liquid (GTL) gasification gasoline gasoline baseline gasoline consumption gasoline mandate gasoline markets gasoline price gasoline-range hydrocarbons Gemany General Services Administration general waiver authority generators genetically engineered yeast cells genetically enhanced microbes genetically modified organism (GMO) genome Georgia Georgia (country) geothermal German Germany Gerrmany Ghana GHG (Greenhouse Gas Emissions) GHG (Greenhouse Gas Emissions) Intensity giant cane giant kelp Giant King Grass Giant Reed/Arundo GIS glass tubing gliricidia sepium global rebound effect Global South global warming global warming potential glucose glycerin glycerin standards glycerol goats gorse Governance practices) Government Accountability Office (GAO) government investment government resources government subsidies grain sorghum/milo grain speculators grains GRAND-AM grants grants-local grants-state grapefruit grapes graphene graphite GRAS (generally regarded as safe) Grasses grasses grasshoppers grease Great Green Fleet Great Lakes Greece green bonds green chemistry Green Deal EU green economy green house facility Green Jobs Green New Deal Green Racing Green Recovery green/black economy Greenland GREET Greenhouse Gases Regulated Emissions and Energy Use in Transportation Model Grenada gribble growers gua beans Guam guar Guatemala Guava Seed guayule Guerbet reaction Guinea Guinea Bissau Gulf states gulmohar Gumweed (grindelia squarosa) Guyana GWP gypsum h Haiti Halophytes harvest site processing harvesting Hawai'i hay hazardous waste hazelnut HBIIP Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program HDCJ HDO-SAK (hydro deoxygenated synthetic aromatic kerosene) health health benefits health effects heat of combustion heat of vaporization heat-tolerance heather heating oil/fuel Heavy Duty Truck Rule heavy duty vehicles (HDV) hedging HEFA (Hydro-processed esters and fatty acids) HEFA50 helicopters hemicellulace enzymes hemicellulose hemicellulosic sugars Hemp hemp oil hemp seed herb hexanol HFO (Heavy Residual Fuel Oil) hibiscus high blend renewable fuels (HBRF) High Hydrogen Content Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (HHC-SPK) High Octane Fuel (HOF) High Octane Fuel Standard High Octane Gasoline (HOG) high octane low carbon (HOLC) fuel High Octane Vehicles (HOV) high performance regular high school project high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) high-octane/low-carbon (HOLC) liquid fuels Highway Bill highway rights-of-way Highway Trust Fund history hog farmers hombayniya homogeneous-charge compression-ignition Honduras honey locust Hong Kong Honge tree nuts hops horticulture Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HPF (High Performance Fuels) HRJ (Hydrotreated Renewable Jet) human rights Hungary Hurricane Sandy HVO (Hydrotreated vegetable oil) HVO100 HVO20 HVO30 Hybrid aircraft hybrid buses hybrid locomotive hybrid ships hybrids hydrocarbon fuels Hydrocarbon-Hydroprocesed Esters and Fatty Acids (HC-HEFA-SPK) hydrodeoxygenation hydrodiesel hydrofaction hydroformylation hydrogen aircraft hydrogen carrier hydrogen combustion engines hydrogen fuel cells hydrogen internal combustion engines hydrogen leaks hydrogen pipeline hydrogen pumps/fueling stations hydrogen tax credit hydrogen terminal Hydrogen/Renewable Hydrogen Hydrogen/Renewable Hydrogen Price hydrogenase hydrogenation hydrogenation-derived renewable diesel (HDRD) hydrogenolysis hydropower Hydroprocessed fermented sugars to synthetic isoparaffins (HFS-SIP) hydroprocessing hydropyrolysis hydrothermal carbonization hydrothermal gasification hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) hydrothermal treatment Hydrotreated renewable diesel (HRD) hydrotreating hydrotreatment hydrous ethanol hypoxia zone Iceland Idaho Illinois Illiois illuppai ILUC (Indirect/Induced Land Use Change) import/export incinerator ash India Indian beech tree Indian grass Indiana indirect effects indirect emissions indirect fuel use change indium Indonesia industrial burners industrial ethanol industrial gases industrial sugars industrial waste industrial waste gases IndyCar infographic Infrastructure inhibitors innovation insecticide/pesticide insects insurance integrated biorefineries integrated food/energy systems intellectual property Inter-American Development Bank inter-crop interactive map intercropping internal combustion engine (ICE) internal combustion engine (ICE)/gasoline engine ban International international balance of payments International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) International Energy Agency (IEA) International Maritime Organization (IMO) International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) International Sustainability and Carbon Certification model(ISCC) International Trade International Trade Administration International Trade Commission Internships inulin invasive species Investing investment tax credit Invvesting ionic liquids Iowa IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Iran Iraq Ireland iridium iron iron oxide IRS (Internal Revenue Service) IS 1460 ISO 8217 (marine distillate fuel standard) ISO 9000 isobutanol isobutanol price isobutanol pump price isobutene isobutylene isomerisation isooctane isooctene isopropanol Israel Italy Ivory Coast JAA jackfruit Jamaica jamelão Japan jatobá Jatropha Jersey Jerusalem artichoke jet jet A Jet A-1 jet B Jetfuel (Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)) Jimmy Carter Jobs Joint Office of Energy and Transportation jojoba Jordan JP-10 JP-4 JP-5/NATO F-44 JP-8/NATO F-34 juniper Just A MInute Just Transition jute K-12 Education Kabakanjagala kalanchoe kamani Kans grass Kansas Karanja Kazakhstan kelp Kemiri Sunan kenaf Kentucky Kenya kerosene ketones kinggrass Kiribati knotweed Knowledge Discovery Framework Korea Kosovo kudzu kukui nut kulpa kusum Kuwait Kygryzstan labels labor policy Labrador lactic acid lactose Lake County lamp oil land ownership land prices land rights land subsidence land tenure land transfer land use land use change land use policy landfill methane Landfills landscape Laos Latin America Latvia LCFS (Low Carbon Fuel Standard) lead Leadtree leaf ant Lebanon lecithin legislation Legislation-Federal Legislation-State lemna lend-lease Lesotho lesquerella leucaena levulinic acid Liberia Libya licensing lichens life cycle analysis (LCA) light rail lignin Lignin Ethanol Oil (LEO) Lignocellulosic Biofuel lignocellulosic sugars lime Lipid liquefaction liquid liquid petroleum gas (LPG) liquid transportation fuels liquidation Liquified Biogas (LBG) Liquified Biogas (LBG) pumps liquified biomethane (LBM) Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) lithium Lithuania litigation Litigation-Federal Litigation-State livestock loan guarantees loans lobbying loblolly pine locomotives lodgepole pine logistics long-term contracts Louis Louisiana low c low carbon emissions low carbon octane standard (LCOS) Low Emission Vehicle Standards (LEV) low sulfur diesel low sulfur fuel low sulfur marine fuel lubricants lumber mill Luxembourg lysis M100 M15 M3 M50 ma macadamia macauba Macedonia machine learning machinery macororo Madagascar magnesium mahua Maine Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali mallees Malta Malyasia mamona management changes mandates mangaba manganese mango mangrove Manitoba mannose manure maple maps marginal land marine algae Marine Corps Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) Marine Fuel Oil Marine Gas Oil (MGO) Marine/Maritime Bio and Renewable/Sustainable Fuel (SMF) Marine/Maritime Bio and Renewable/Sustainable Fuel (SMF) price Marine/Maritime Bio and Renewable/Sustainable Fuel Terminal Marine/maritime renewable fuel terminal/bunkering market forces market share marketing markets/sales Mars Marshall Islands Maryland Masdar Institute mass balance standard Massachusetts Master Limited Partnership (MLP) Mauritania Mauritius Mazda meat mechanics training medical waste MEEC membranes mergers and acquisitions mesquite methanation methane leaks methane/biomethane methanization methanol benefits methanol fuel cells methanol hybrid methanol price Methanol-to-Jet (MTJ-SPK) Methanol/Biomethanol/Renewable Methanol methylbutenol Mexico Michelin GreenX Challenge Michigan micro-crop microalgae microbial electrosynthesis microbiology microorganisms/microbes microwave Mid-Atlantic Middle East Midwest mileage military military policy military reserves military specifications military strategic flexibility military strategy military use of biofuels milk permeate millennium fruit millet millettia pinnata milo stover mineralization minerals mining Minn Minnesota miscanthus misfueling missile fuel Mississippi Missouri mixed prarie mobile refinery modeling modular molasses mold Moldova molinia molybdenum MON (Motor Octane Number) Monaco Mongolia mongongo monitoring/measuring reporting verifiction (MRV) Montana Montenegro moose morama Moringa tree Morocco morula motorcycles motors MOVES (motor vehicle emissions simulator) modeling system MOVES2014 MOVES3 (MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator model) Mozambique MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) MTBE (Methyl tert-butyl ether) multi-fuel municipal/city mushroom mushroom substrate mustard seed mvr Myanmar n-butanol n-butene nahar Namibia nano nano particles nanocatalysts nanocellulose nanomaterials naphtha/bionaphtha/renewable naphtha naphthene NASCAR National Academies of Science National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) National Energy Council National Environmental Policy Act National Guard National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Laboratory National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Oilheat Research Alliance National Park Service National Research Council National Science Foundation (NSF) national security National Security Council National Transportation Safety Board National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Native American/American Indian/First Nation Tribes natural gas Natural Gas Act natural gas input natural gas prices natural gas vehicles natural gasoline Navy Nebraska neem negative carbon emissions NEN 7427-1 neodymium Nepal net energy balance Netherlands Nevada New Brunswick new fuel approval New Guinea New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New South Wales New York New Zealand Newfoundland Newfoundland and Labrador next generation biofuels next generation vehicles NHRA drag racing Nicaragua nickel Niger Nigeria nipa sap nitrate leaching nitrates nitrogen Nitrogen fertiliser nitrogen starvation nitrous oxide (N2O) Niue NO2 noodles nopal North Africa North America North Carolina North Dakota North Korea Northeast northern catalpa Northern Ireland Northern Territory Northwest Territories Norwary Norway Nova Scotia NOx (nitrogen oxides) noxious weeds nuclear Nunavut nut shells nutraceuticals nutrient credit trading nutrient management nutrients nutrition oak oat hulls oat straw oats Obligated Parties/Point of Obligation (PoO) ocean-based energy Oceania octane octane price/value octanol Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Office of Science and Technology Policy Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Office of Science Technology and Policy (OSTP) Offices of Inspector Generals offtake agreements Ohio oil oil embargo oil exploration oil monopoly oil p oil price parity oil prices oil production oil refineries oil replacement oil sands oil seed oil seed crops oil speculators oil spill oil subsidies oil taxes oil/gas terminals Oilcane Oils Oklahoma olefins oligomerization olive cake olive oil olive pits olive pomace olive water olives Oman Omega-3s on-farm algae production on-farm ammonia production on-farm biodiesel on-farm ethanol production on-farm natural gas production on-farm processing on-site hydrogen production one p one pound waiver onion waste online courses Ontaio Ontario OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) open fuel standard open pond opportunity zones optimized flex fuel vehicles orange peel orchard grass orchard prunings Oregon organic solar cells Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) osage orange OSHA Overseas Private Investment Corporation overview overview/survey course owa oxygen oxygenate ozone Pakistan Palau palm palm biomass palm fatty acid distillate palm fiber palm fronds palm kernel palm kernel oil palm kernel shell palm oil Palm Oil Methyl Ester (PME) palm oil mill effluent (POME) palm oil prices palm trunk sap palm waste Paludiculture/peatland cultivation Panama pandas panic grass papaya paper Papua Indonesia Papua New Guinea paraffins Paraguay Paris Agreement parity partial waiver particulates pasture land Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) patents pathways Paulownia paulownia tree payments peach shell peaches peak oil peak oil demand peanuts/groundnuts peas pectin peela kaner pellet pellets Pennsylvania pennycress/stinkweed pentane pentanol pentose pequi perennial grains perennial grasses Performance permitting Peru pest-tolerance pesticide-tolerance pests pet food petition petroleum pharmaceuticals phase separation Philippines phosphorus photobioreactor photoelectrocatalysis photoelectrochemical photolysis photosynthesis phragmites pigeon pea pilot pilot scale pine pine beetle pine needles pine nut pineapple Pineapple leaf pinion Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin (PHMSA) pipelines Pistacia chinensis PLA plant cell research plant cell walls plant oil plastic plastic-to-jet platinum Plug-in Flex Fuel Hybrid Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) plume grass Poand podcasts Poland poli Policy politics pollinators pollution pollution control polyethylene polyfuel polymer polymerization polysaccharides pomace pomegranates pongamia pongamia pinnata poplar poppy population control Portable refinery Portugal poster sessions potamogeton potassium potato poultry litter/waste power power-to-x/gas/liquid prairie grasses pre-processing precision farming/agriculture precursors/biointermediates premium gasoline Pretreatment pretreatment equipment price price of water prickly pear Prince Edward Island process flow diagram producer tax credit Production tax credit productivity project insurance propagating Propane/Biopropane/Renewable Propane propane/renewable propane pumps propanol property insurance propylene protectionism protein protests proton exchange membrane (PEM) public comments public health policy Puerto Rico pulp Pulp/Paper Mill pump retrofit kit pumps/fueling station pungam Punnai tree pyrolysis pyrolytic liquefaction Q-RIN QAP Qatar quality assurance Quality Assurance Plans (QAPs) quality improvement quantum dots Quebec Queensland quote of the week r R Factor R100/RD100 R33 R5 R95B5/RD95B5 R99/RD99 rabbits race radiata pine radish leaves Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing railroad rain tree rainforest ranchers RAND rare earth metal/critical minerals RD10 RD100 RD20 RD3 RD30 RD40 RD50 RD55 RD80 RD80B20 RD99 reclaimed mine lands recycled oil recycled plastics recycling red algae redcedar Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil (RBDPO) refineries reforestation Reformate regenerative braking regenerative farming Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) Regulated Emissions regulations Regulations-Federal Regulations-State Regulatory Enhancement Growth Support (REGS) Reid vapor pressure (RVP) remediation remediation rice straw Renewable Chemical renewable chemical producer tax incentive renewable chemical production tax credit renewable diesel pipelines Renewable Diesel Production renewable diesel pumps renewable diesel tax credit renewable diesel terminal Renewable Diesel/Green Diesel price Renewable Diesel/Green Diesel/HVO/Paraffinic Diesel Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Directive (RED/RED II/RED III) Renewable Energy Standard Renewable Energy to Fuels through Utilization of Energy-Dense Liquids (REFUEL) renewable fuel renewable fuel oil (RFO) Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS and RFS2) Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) revisions/repeal Renewable Fuels Directive (EU) renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBO) renewable gasoline blendstock renewable marine diesel Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) price Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) pumps Renewable Portfolio Standards Renewable Power Standard Renewable Synthesized Iso-Paraffinic Fuels (SIP) Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) renewable volume obligation (RVO) REnova RenovaBio replacement molecules Repowering Assistance Program Republic of Congo repurpose research and development research facility resiliency resource depletion resurrection grass retail retrofit return on investment Reverse Water-gas Shift RFI (Request for Information) RFS "reset" RHD100 Rhizosphere Observations Optimizing Terrestrial Sequestration (ROOTS) Rhode Island rhododendron Ricardo rice rice bran rice bran oil rice hulls rice husks rice price rice straw/paddy straw RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) RIMPAC RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers) RINs markets RINs price risk management RJ-4 RJ-6 RME (rape methyl ester) RME180 RNA (Ribonucleic acid) RNG tax credit roadmap rocket fuel Romania RON (Research Octane Number) rosin rotation crops Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) royalties RP-1 RTP (rapid thermal processing) rubber rubber seeds rumen ruminants rural development Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Rural Energy Self-Sufficiency Initiative Rural Renewable Energy Pilot Program rushes Russia Russian olive rutabaga Rwanda ry rye Rye grass rye straw s saccharification SAF pipeline SAF10 SAF30 SAF40 SAFc (Sustainable Aviation Fuel certificates) Safer and Affordable Fuel Efficient Vehicles (SAFE) safety safflower sago pond weed SAIC sal tree Salicornia salt water salt-tolerant saltbush saltcedar Samoa Sanctions Santa Monica sardine oil Saskatchewan Saudi Arabia sawdust scale up Scandinavia scholarships/fellowships Science Advisory Board (SAB) Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Science Policy scooters Scotland scum sea level rise seaports seashore mallow seawater seaweed cultivation Seaweed/Macroalgae second-generation biofuel income tax credit Section 526 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) seed husks seed-to-wheel Senegal Serbia sesame sewage Seychelles shale shale gas shale oil shark oil Shea sheep shellfish shipping shipping containers shipworm siam weed Sierra Leone silage silica Silphie/cup plant/Indian cup silver silver maple simarouba Singapore Singpore sisal SK slash Slovakia Slovakia/Slovak Republic Slovenia sludge Small Business Administration Small Business Innovatin Research (SBIR) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program small engines small refinery exemption (SRE) smog smokestack soap soapstock Social social benefit investing social cost social value social venture Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) soi soil soil amendments soil carbon soil health soil microbial biomass solar energy solar energy-to-chemical conversion solar fuel solar thermochemical hydrogen (STCH) solaris Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell (SOEC) solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) Solomon Islands Solutions solvent liquefaction Somalia soot sorghum sorghum oil sorghum price sorghum stover South Africa South America South Australia South Carolina South Dakota South Korea South Pacific South Sudan Southeast Asia Southern Africa Soviet Union SOx (Sulfur oxides) soy meal soybean hulls soybean prices soybeans Spain spartina specifications Spekboom Spent Bleaching Earth Oil (SBEO) sprawl spruce Sri Lanka Stakeholders standards start-up State Department Statistics steam explosion steam methane reformation steam reformation steel stevia stillage storage tanks Straight (pure) Vegetable Oil (SVO or PVO) stranded assets Strategic Bioenergy Reserve STrategiv Petroleum Reserve straw students su sub-Saharan Africa sub-sim (substantially similar) succinic acid sucrose Sudan sugar Sugar Beets/Energy Beets Sugar kelp sugar palm sugar platform sugar prices sugar standards sugar-to-biodiesel sugar-to-farnesane sugar-to-jetfuel sugarcane sugarcane prices sugarcane straw sugars sugars-to-fats sulfur Sumatra sunflower sunflower stalks supercritical fluid supercritical hydrolysis supply agreements supply chain Supreme Court surahart Surface Transportation Board Suriname Sustainability Swaziland Sweden sweet potatoes Sweet sorghum sweetgum swine waste Switchgrass Switzerland sycamore syngas (synthesis gas) syngas/gas fermentation SYNHH synthesised aromatic kerosene (SAK) synthetic biology synthetic diesel synthetic gasoline synthetic kerosene synthetic liquified gas (SLG) synthetic methane/e-methane synthetic natural gas Syria Tailoring Rule Taiwan Tajikistan tall fescue tall oil tallow tallow tree tamanu/nyamplung Tamarix tank cars tank-to-wheel tanker trucks tankers Tanzania tar sands tariffs taro Tasmania tax benefit tax credits tax incentives tax parity tax policy taxes tea teach teach-the-teacher teacher teacher resources teacher training tech transfer technical course Technical Readiness Levels techno-economic analysis technology transfer telephone utility poles Tennessee termites terpenes terrestrial carbon testing Texas textbook Thailand theft therapeutics Thermal catalytic depolymerization (TCD) thermal deoxygenation thermocatalytic conversion thermochemical conversion thermochemical liquefaction Tibet Tier 3 Tier 4 tilapia tillage Timor-Leste tires tobacco tobacco tree Togo Tokyo toluene Tonga tool Toronto torrefaction totai Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) trade trade dispute/discrimination trade group trade organization Trade Policy trade secrets training trains transesterification transgenics transition Transportation Fuels Policy Transportation Fuels Policy--Municipal Transportation Fuels Policy--State Transportation Policy travel policy Treasury Department trees Trinidad and Tobago triticale trucks tubers tugboats tung tunicate Tunisia Tunsia Turkey U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) UCOME (Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester) Uganda UK (United Kingdom) UK Emission Trade Scheme (UK ETS) Ukraine Ukriane UL (Underwriters Laboratory) ULSD (ultra low sulfur diesel) Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (ULSFO) Ultra-low-carbon bioethanol underground storage tanks (UST) UNESCO UNIDO (United National Industrial Development Organization) United Arab Emirates (UAE) United Nations (UN) United Nations' International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) United States Auto Club Unleaded 88/E15 uranium urban sprawl urbanization Uruguay US Agency for International Development (USAID) US Army US ethanol exports US Geological Survey US Product Safety Commission USAC USAID USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) used cooking oil (UCO) used motor oil used railroad ties ustain Utah utilities utility model Uzbekistan value chain Value Stack vanadium Vancouver Vanuatu Vatican VEETC vegetable oils vehicles miles traveled (VMT) Velocys Venezuela Vermont vetiver Victoria video Vietnam vinasse vinegar vineyard waste Virgin Islands. virgin oils Virginia viruses vlsfo VLSFO (very low sulfur fuel oil) volatile fatty acids (VFA) volunteers VTOL (vertical take-off and landing aircraft) Vulcanol w waiver Wales warranty Washington Washington DC waste waste alcohol Waste CO2 waste heat waste management waste oil waste paper waste vegetable oil waste-to-chemicals Waste-to-Energy waste-to-fuel wastewater water water consumption water footprint water hyacinth water policy water pollution water quality water treatment water vapor watermeal watermelon wax weather well-to-wheel West Africa West Coast West Java West Virginia Western Australia wet distillers grain wet extraction What You Can Do wheat wheat bran wheat fiber wheat prices wheat straw wheatgrass whey whisky white grease White House wildlife habitat willow wind energy wine wastage/grape marc winter crops Wisconsin Wisdonsin women Wood woody biomass World Bank World Trade Organization (WTO) Wyoming XTL xylan xylene xylose yard waste yeast yellow grease yellowhorn tree Yemen Yields Yukon Zambia Zanzibar zein zeolites zero-carbon bioethanol Zimbabwe zinc zoning

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