The CAAFI® Biennial General Meeting (CBGM) is a critical convening event to connect sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) stakeholders across global industries and sectors and provides a venue to share information and showcase technologies. CAAFI is a public-private partnership of airlines, aircraft and engine manufacturers, energy producers, researchers, international participants and U.S. government agencies. Its goal is to promote the development and deployment of SAF that provide equivalent safety and performance, favorable costs, and are better for the environment compared with petroleum-based jet fuel, while offering energy supply security for aviation. The CBGM enables CAAFI’s diverse participants – representing all the leading stakeholders in the field of aviation – to build relationships, share best practices and data, identify resources, and direct research, development and deployment of alternative jet fuels.
The 2022 CAAFI Biennial General Meeting comes at an important time with the advent of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), the SAF Grand Challenge announced by the White House in September, including a commitment to producing 3 billion gallons of SAF annually by 2030 and 25 billion gallons by 2050, and growing industry commitments to net-zero aviation by 2050.
The anticipated session topics include:
- U.S. Government and international policies and programs enhancing SAF progress.
- The U.S. SAF Grand Challenge and Roadmap.
- Expanding commercial deployment.
- Expanding market demand through airline and other end users’ commitments.
- SAF qualification under ASTM.
- Sustainability approaches including environmental, social, and economic performance, and the potential for contributing to ecosystem services.
- Sharing best practices for evaluating SAF, developing supply chains, and new/improved technologies for SAF production.
- Research programs such as the USDA NIFA Coordinated Agriculture Projects, Department of Energy programs, and the Aviation Sustainability Center of Excellence.
- Future directions and opportunities such as approaches to achieving higher SAF blend levels up to 100% SAF, carbon management, feedstock expansion, and use of renewable hydrogen and energy.
The CAAFI team welcomes your participation in our Biennial General Meeting! READ MORE
CAAFI’s Biennial General Meeting (CBGM) being held June 1-3, 2022 will be broadcast via a free livestream. If you are unable to join us in-person, we hope you’ll take advantage of the opportunity to participate via this virtual option all three days. To access the livestream click the following link: https://airportscouncil.org/caafi/
While the in-person CBGM is an invitation only event, the livestream is open to all. Please feel free to share the link to the livestream widely.
The first day will be a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Summit focused on introducing the U.S. Government’s SAF Grand Challenge, followed by two days of more in-depth sessions focusing on the pathways to achieving three billion gallons of SAF in the U.S. by 2030 and full U.S. jet fuel replacement by 2050.
Due to an overwhelming interest in the event, the capacity at the venue has been met and we are unable to accommodate any more in-person attendees. This means we are unable to accept any on-site registration requests. This additional virtual opportunity allows for expanded engagement beyond the physical capacity of the room.
The CBGM will include plenary sessions, keynote speakers, and networking and exhibit opportunities. The working agenda is available here.
Question: What happened at the 2022 CBGM?
Answer: There’s more attention on SAF now than ever before. There’s also a lot going on in the SAF space from near-term commercialization, policy pushes, feedstock development, pathway approvals, airline, airport and business aviation engagement, etc. A major focus is the U.S. SAF Grand Challenge with its targets of 3 billion gallons of SAF per year by 2030 and 35 billion gallons per year by 2050. We heard from industry leaders, subject matter experts and government agency leadership on the topics that matter most to decarbonizing the aviation sector and how we will achieve the ambitious goals of the Grand Challenge.
Links to recordings of the sessions as well as the presentations can be found here.
As always, we welcome your feedback and/or comments. We did hear from some producers about the need for perhaps convening a finance summit for the SAF industry, and we are exploring such with some of our major partners.
CAAFI Team Highlights
CAAFI hosted a webinar highlighting the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Systems Funding Opportunity presented by Kevin Kephart.
Þ The presentation is available here.
Þ A recording of the webinar is available here.
Going forward, CAAFI participants should also expect to see some changes to CAAFI’s operations, teams, and guidance documents based on all that is happening with the Grand Challenge, policy support, and commercialization progress – stay tuned.
Business —
New producers, new suppliers, new customers, and many adjacent participants continue to contact us for guidance and assistance (now on a weekly basis) or asking for introductions to others who can assist with their commercialization efforts. We are very pleased to see this continued level of engagement from the previous quarter, and to help many! We would like to remind any producer of this available resource document: Guidance for Selling Alternative Fuels to Airlines. Additional tools can be found here:
Certification/Qualification —
The work of the Cert/Qual team is aligned with the activities of ASTM’s aviation fuel subcommittee, the Aviation Technical Committee of the Coordinating Research Council (CRC), and the National Jet Fuel Combustion Program. It is supported by periodic OEM meetings in the US and UK and various ASCENT projects. The qualification process is described in a recently issued paper “Qualification of Alternative Jet Fuels”. This paper may be found at the Frontiers in Energy Research Sustainable Aviation Fuels “Research Topic.”.
Things continued to unfold in an active way at the June ASTM Meeting in Seattle on 27-30June. ASTM D4054 updates include:
- The chair of the Synthetic Aviation Turbine Fuel (SATF) ASTM section has transitioned from Mark Rumizen (FAA) to Gurhan Andac (GE). Mark will now take over as chair of the aviation fuel subcommittee at ASTM.
Þ Swedish Biofuels is in process of conducting some additional testing in response to the OEM comments. They should be able to finalize their Phase 1 research report soon after completion of the testing, and hopefully it will be ready for ASTM balloting before the June ASTM meeting.
Þ Global BioEnergies has completed D4054 testing and their research report review with the OEMs. They are incorporating OEM comments and expect to issue their research report for final OEM review and approval in August. ASTM balloting of the D7566 revisions and the research report will occur after that.
- The recent interest in unblended, or 100% SAF has reenergized the Virent SAK D4054 effort. Virent SAK is a pure aromatic stream that when blended with other SPKs such as FT or HEFA will result in a fully formulated fuel. Virent has worked with the OEMs to define the remaining qualification tasks and is now conducting the final round of testing.
Þ Shell IH2: Shell has finalized their D4054 Tier 3 & 4 test plan with the OEMs and is now working with the OEMs to identify test facilities. Shell is also working on scaling up production to supply the necessary quantities of test fuel to conduct the testing.
Þ CSIR – Indian Institute of Petroleum has provided another fuel sample for Tier 1 and 2 fuel property testing.
OMV Downstream GmbH presented preliminary fuel property data at the CRC aviation fuel committee meeting in May and at the ASTM aviation fuel subcommittee meeting in June. ASTM approved the formation of a task group to work on evaluating this new conversion pathway.
An ASTM task force is continuing its work to develop specification criteria for an unblended (or 100%) alternative jet fuel. The basic format has been finalized but we are still sorting out one remaining property requirement. It is expected that this effort will take some time before the draft D7566 specification revisions are ready for balloting to the ASTM aviation fuel subcommittee.
We continued to see increased engagement from petroleum refiners and suppliers who are interested in increasing the types and maximum blend levels for SAF co-processing at existing refinery installations. ASTM task forces have been established to develop specification criteria for co-processing of hydroprocessed biomass (or HVO), pyrolysis oil derived from discarded tires, and to increase the current approved 5% limit on co-processing of lipids feedstock to 30%. The co-processing of hydroprocessed biomass task group has already gone to ballot twice and is working to reach agreement with the ASTM members and OEMs. Note that these specification provisions will be incorporated into the ASTM D1655 conventional jet fuel specification upon approval.
Sustainability —
Most of the effort and focus of the Sustainability team continued to support deliberations of ICAO and its work on CORSIA.
Þ Continued participation in the LCA, sustainability and alternative fuels tracking work in the ICAO CAEP Fuels Task Group (FTG), Working Group 4 (CORSIA), and Sustainability Certification Scheme Evaluation Group (SCSEG).
Þ ICAO has a set of sustainability criteria available covering the pilot and voluntary phases.
R&D —
Þ The team continued hosting a webinar series spotlighting the SAF work being done at U.S. Department of Energy’s National Labs and Bioenergy Centers, among other topics. Stay tuned for announcements on upcoming webinars.
Feel free to reach out to Josh Heyne if you have interest in fuel screening efforts.
State and Regional Projects
CAAFI principals continue to participate in and foster regional development activity, on feedstocks, supply chain analysis & establishment, and with various entities. Stay tuned for an update from ASCENT on ways that they can work with customers to provide keys insights and analysis. READ MORE
CAAFI General Meetings
CAAFI Biennial General Meeting 2022 · June 1-3, 2022
General Meeting Webinar Replays →
Day 1 |
· Day 1 Slide Deck |
· SAF Grand Challenge Roadmap Overview |
Day 2 |
Day 2 Slide Deck |
Funding Resources Available to Achieve Roadmap Targets |
Feedstocks and Supply Chains for 2030 Targets · Special Address with Jerry Steiner, CoverCress Chairman · Parade of Commercialization Efforts
Feedstocks and Supply Chains for 2030 Targets (Continued)
ASTM Certification/Qualification Update |
100% Synthetic Aviation Turbine Fuel Update |
Day 3 |
Day 3 Slide Deck |
Regional Project Activities |
Business Aviation Perspectives as End Users |
International SAF Commercialization Activities |
Feedstocks, Conversion, and Innovation: Now Through Beyond 2030 |
Evaluation of Non-CO2 SAF Benefits |
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